약속된 것 일인칭 액션 RPG에서의 마법 도구의 잠재력과 도전

Obsidian Entertainment에 의해 선언된 Avowed는 올해 최고의 RPG 중 하나일 수 있지만, 마법 무기에는 조정이 필요합니다.


Avowed’s Wand-Based Magic System Requires Skillful Balancing

Avowed, the highly anticipated RPG from Obsidian Entertainment, is set to make its debut later this year. This game marks a departure from the CRPG style of its predecessor, Pillars of Eternity, and instead embraces a first-person action RPG format. While many elements have made a smooth transition into this new genre, there is one aspect of Avowed’s combat system that could raise some concerns if not properly balanced.

The Return of Magic Wands and Build Versatility

Avowed’s recent trailers have generated a wave of excitement among fans, particularly with the return of magic wands from the Pillars of Eternity titles. These versatile implements, combined with the game’s emphasis on diverse equipment sets, offer players a wide range of combat options. However, it is crucial for Avowed to ensure that these wands are balanced and don’t simply allow heavily-armored players to breeze through encounters.

🔥 Enhanced Build Versatility Through Magical Implements 🔥

In Avowed, combat revolves around the concept of “loadouts,” where players can mix and match various weapons and magical abilities. The introduction of wands as weapons enhances the already Skyrim-influenced combat system, allowing for a seamless blend of physical and magical attacks. While Pillars of Eternity had its challenges when it came to effectively utilizing magic weapons, Avowed seems to have addressed these concerns in favor of a more accessible approach.

💫 Wands Are Just the Tip of the Iceberg 💫

It’s important to note that wands are just one type of magical implement in the game. The presence of wands suggests that the other two types from the Pillars series, scepters and rods, will also make a return. These ranged weapons offer players a variety of damage types, providing more options for combat strategies. However, with the introduction of a new combat system, the increased effectiveness of magical weapons should be carefully monitored to ensure they don’t become overpowered.

Maintaining Balance in Avowed’s Magical Arsenal

Maintaining balance in Avowed’s combat system, particularly with regards to magical implements like wands, is a task that falls on the shoulders of Obsidian Entertainment. The potential for these weapons to upset the equilibrium within the game’s classes is a valid concern. If players can effortlessly deal devastating spell damage while also being heavily armored tanks, encounters may lose their challenge. In an interview with Eurogamer, gameplay director Gabe Paramo confirmed that regular spellcasting will still be available alongside the use of magical implements.

⚡️ The Power of Magical Implements in Avowed ⚡️

Compared to their counterparts in the Pillars of Eternity games, magical implements in Avowed seem to be significantly boosted in terms of efficacy. Wands, previously considered niche picks, now possess newfound relevance. This upgrade in power level brings with it the risk of these magical weapons dominating the game’s meta. However, it’s worth noting that Obsidian has a track record of balancing these types of features, thereby ensuring a fair and enjoyable gameplay experience.

Q&A: What else can we expect from Avowed?

Q: Will Avowed offer a wide selection of spells alongside magical implements?

A: Yes, Avowed will feature a separate spellcasting system in addition to the use of magical implements. This provides players with even more options for unleashing their magical prowess.

Q: How will Avowed handle the progression and customization of characters?

A: Avowed aims to provide deep character progression and customization. Players will be able to shape their characters’ abilities and skills, allowing for diverse playstyles and unique builds.

Q: Can Avowed’s world be explored freely, or is it more linear in nature?

A: Avowed’s world, known as The Living Lands, offers players a vast and immersive environment to explore. While there will be a central storyline, the game also presents opportunities for non-linear exploration and discovery.

Q: Will Avowed feature multiplayer or cooperative gameplay?

A: As of now, Avowed has been announced as a single-player experience. However, future updates or expansions may introduce multiplayer components.


Avowed 및 기타 흥미로운 RPG에 대한 자세한 정보는 다음 링크를 확인하세요:

  1. 게임 – CRPG 장르 발전
  2. Skyrim 영향을 받은 Avowed의 일인칭 전투
  3. Eternity Titles의 Pillars에서의 마법 지팡이 반환
  4. Avowed의 마법 무기 및 그들의 잠재력
  5. Eurogamer – Gabe Paramo 인터뷰

Avowed 및 그 마법 구현물에 대한 심도있는 살펴보기를 즐겁게 보셨기를 바랍니다. 아래 댓글에서 여러분의 생각을 알려주세요! 게임 동지들과 이 기사를 소셜 미디어에서 공유하는 것을 잊지 마세요. 함께하여 Avowed 출시에 대한 흥미를 높여갑시다!

🎮✨ 게임을 즐기고, 탐험하고, Avowed에서 마법을 사용하세요! ✨🎮
