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Baldur’s Gate 3 15 Tips to Crush Every Battle

Encounters in Baldur’s Gate 3 are not your typical turn-based RPG battles. Drawing inspiration from the iconic tabletop game Dungeons & Dragons, the combat system offers a unique and strategic experience. To succeed in these thrilling fights, players need to make the most of their characters’ skills and abilities. So, how can newcomers secure an advantage in any fight and come out on top? Let’s find out!

🎮 Replace Team Members If Needed

Karlach in Baldur’s Gate 3

While you can only have four characters in your party at a time, Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a whopping 10 potential companions. Don’t stick with your initial choice if it’s not working out! Each companion can be customized to fit specific roles and playstyles. Consider building your party with characters like Druid Halsin, who can be a tank/healer hybrid with Wild Shape specialization, or Lae’zel, a versatile Battle Master Fighter. Experiment and replace members to find the perfect team composition for your playthrough.

⚔️ Take Advantage Of Initiative

Lae’zel in Baldur’s Gate 3

In Baldur’s Gate 3, the element of surprise is crucial for maximizing damage and gaining the upper hand. Characters with high Dexterity (DEX) scores will have better initiative, meaning they’ll act earlier in combat. Boost your DEX stat as much as possible to secure higher initiative values. This not only allows your characters to strike first but also improves their Armor Class and overall damage potential. Rogues, Rangers, and Monks excel in this regard, making them formidable DPS classes. Get the jump on your enemies and make every turn count!

🎯 Choose The Right Feats For The Right Moments

A character overlooking Baldur’s Gate 3

Feats are a beloved feature in D&D, and they can be game-changers in Baldur’s Gate 3’s tactical gameplay. Smartly choosing Feats and combining them with spells, traits, or even subclasses can pave the way for powerful character builds. For example, the Polearm Master Feat extends the range of opportunity attacks for polearm users, while the Tavern Brawler Feat enhances damage potential for barbarians and monks. By delving into the possibilities of Feat combinations, you can create unique and potent characters that dominate the battlefield.

⚡ Get Disabling Abilities Ready

The Emperor from Baldur’s Gate 3

Sometimes, brute force alone won’t cut it. Wasting an enemy’s turn can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Utilize spells and abilities that hinder your opponents’ movement, immobilizing them and denying them the chance to retaliate. Spells like Ray of Frost, Command, Ensnaring Strike, Entangle, and Grease can all disrupt your enemies’ plans and provide you with more control over the battlefield. Strategically disable your foes to buy time, regroup, and plan a devastating counterattack.

🏃 Always Have Movement Options Ready

A player being thrown away by a monster in Baldur’s Gate 3


When things get heated, having the ability to swiftly move out of harm’s way can be a lifesaver. Keep movement-based spells and abilities in your arsenal to easily reposition and evade enemy attacks. Spells like Misty Step and Gaseous Form provide teleportation and escape options, while abilities like Dash and Longstrider increase your movement speed. By remaining nimble and having multiple movement options at your disposal, you can avoid devastating blows and stay one step ahead of your foes.

💪 Fight Only When Fully Rested

Fully Resting in Baldur’s Gate 3

Rest, my friend, rest! Combat can happen at any time during your adventure, even in the middle of conversations. Therefore, it’s essential to visit the camp after each encounter to fully rest and replenish your party’s resources. Going into combat with full health, spell slots, and other expended resources allows your characters to unleash their full potential from the get-go. Plus, it’s always great to enter a battle feeling refreshed and ready to kick some monster butt!

🔍 Inspect The Enemy

Inspecting an Enemy

Knowledge is power! Take advantage of the inspect feature in Baldur’s Gate 3 to gather essential information about your enemies. By right-clicking and selecting “inspect” on interactive objects, you can uncover valuable details about their strengths, weaknesses, and resistances. Understanding the enemy’s vulnerabilities lets you tailor your tactics accordingly, exploiting their weak points and maximizing your damage output. So, always be curious and inspect whenever possible to gain the upper hand in combat.

⏳ Consider The Action Economy

An action in the Action Economy

In Baldur’s Gate 3, it’s not just about scoring a single attack or casting a spell. The game follows D&D’s action economy, allowing characters to perform various actions, bonus actions, and reactions in a single round of combat. Make sure your characters have options for each of these action types to maximize their effectiveness. For example, Clerics like Shadowheart can use Healing Word as a bonus action, allowing them to heal while still having a regular action for another maneuver. Keep your options open and ensure your characters can adapt to any situation on the battlefield.

🚀 Establish Momentum With Actions

Guiding Bolt builds into a Sneak Attack

Some spells and features in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be creatively combined to inflict devastating damage on your enemies. Setting up actions in advance and coordinating attacks with your allies can lead to powerful combos. For example, using Guiding Bolt to grant advantage on the next attack against an enemy sets up a perfect opportunity for a Rogue’s Sneak Attack. By carefully planning and executing your actions, you can create a cascading chain of devastating moves that leaves your enemies reeling.

💊 Recovery Is Always A Priority

A healing option in Baldur’s Gate 3

Nobody likes a party member who just sits around while others fight! Ensure every character has access to methods of healing, be it through spells, potions, or magic items. Don’t solely rely on a dedicated healer to keep everyone alive. By equipping your characters with healing abilities, you empower them to not only survive but also contribute to the battle in meaningful ways. This allows your dedicated healer to focus on other strategies, such as buffs or more offensive spells. Remember, a well-prepared party is a victorious party!


⌛ Time The Ambush

Being outnumbered after a Surprise Attack

Timing is everything! When initiating combat, make sure to set up the battlefield to your advantage. If you can catch enemies off guard, you’ll gain the surprise round and the ability to act before your foes. But don’t rush in alone! Keep uninvolved companions in exploration mode and strategically position them for maximum impact. Then, unleash your surprise attacks and make use of this opportunity to turn the tables on your enemies. By carefully timing your ambushes, you’ll gain the upper hand and set the stage for victory.

⚔️ Augment Attacks With Weapon Actions

Different weapons offer different Weapon Actions

Baldur’s Gate 3 adds a unique twist to combat with weapon actions. These special skills, tied to particular weapons, provide versatility to characters, especially those focused on melee combat. Whether it’s extending the reach of an opportunity attack or halving an enemy’s movement speed, weapon actions can add extra effects and utility to your attacks. When choosing your equipment, consider how the weapon actions complement your character’s abilities and playstyle, turning them into a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

🎩 Bonus Actions Can Turn The Tide Of Battle

Hide is a Bonus Action players can do

Bonus Actions, the lightweight maneuvers of D&D, can be your secret weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3. Don’t let your character waste a turn! Make use of the various Bonus Action options available to maximize your moves and gain an edge in combat. From dashing and hiding to dipping a weapon or shoving an opponent, these actions allow you to set up combos, gain tactical advantages, and keep your enemies off balance. Exploit these bonus actions whenever possible, and watch as they turn the tide of battle in your favor!

🌳 Abuse Environment Interactions

Barrels interact with the environment

When your resources are running low, don’t underestimate the power of your surroundings. Baldur’s Gate 3 offers interactive environments that can be key to turning the battle in your favor. Look for explosive barrels that can cause devastating chain reactions, open crevices that can trap enemies, and other environmental hazards that can be exploited. By cleverly using the environment to your advantage, you can deal massive damage and gain a significant tactical advantage without expending precious resources.

🤝 Make Other NPCs Do The Work

The townsfolk fighting the Harpy

When facing overwhelming odds, don’t forget about the NPCs around you! In certain encounters, nearby townsfolk or other non-party members can join your side and provide much-needed assistance. Lure enemies into areas where these allies can assist you in battle. This unexpected aid can turn the tide and give you the breathing room to regroup, strategize, and achieve victory. So, make use of friendly territory and rally against your enemies with the help of your newfound allies.

Now that you’re equipped with these strategies, go forth and conquer Baldur’s Gate 3! Remember, combat is just one aspect of the game’s immersive world. Enjoy the journey, make interesting choices, and immerse yourself in the epic adventure that awaits!

📚 Reference List:Baldur’s Gate 3: Make Companions Stay PutIntimidated By RPGs Like Baldur’s Gate 3? Larian Studios Says Stop Obsessing Over The Full Experience: You Need That Need & Roll With ItBaldur’s Gate 3 Hotfix ReleasesWall of Stone (5th-Level Evocation)Utility Spells for PlayersA Traditional D&D 5e RogueOr Even SubclassesThe Druid’s Wild ShapeAs Much Damage As Possible


🎮 나와 상호 작용하라, 동료 모험가여!

이 전투 전략들이 도움이 되었나요? 당신은 Baldur’s Gate 3 플레이스루에 어떤 것들을 도입할 예정인가요? 아래 댓글에 당신의 생각과 경험을 공유해 주세요! 그리고 소셜 미디어에서 홍보하고 세계를 정복합시다. 함께 Baldur’s Gate 3 세계를 정복합시다! 🔥✨💪
