칼라단에서의 삶 잃어버린 낙원

환경의 눈부신 변화


Dune Caladan, Explained

🎮🖊️ by [Your Name]


Most of Dune occurs on or around Arrakis, one of fictional history’s most hostile science-fiction locations. Choosing to live on Arrakis borders on suicide. The stress of seeking and reclaiming the minuscule quantities of water would drive most to madness. The experiential difference between Earth and Arrakis is brutal, but imagine living there after decades on a glorious natural paradise. That was Paul Atreides’s life when he moved to Arrakis from Caladan.

🔬🌴Caladan: A Tropical Utopia🌴🔬 Caladan is a gorgeous, tropical planet orbiting a star called Delta Pavonis. The world experiences non-stop precipitation, keeping most of its surface waterlogged. Mountains pierce sea level, allowing for human settlements among rocky cliffs and abundant rivers. Its frequent rains and diverse ecosystem make Caladan an agricultural powerhouse. It’s relatively free from industry, earning a place in the galactic market by trading fresh fruit, rice, wine, and fish. Fishing is the most common exploit among citizens of Caladan. That constant necessity creates other jobs, like weaving fishing nets and building boats. The planet is visually glorious. Its vibrant blue sea and majestic mountains hold endless natural wonders. The 2021 iteration of Caladan is portrayed on film by the virtually uninhabited Kinn Island off the coast of western Norway. It appears briefly in the first act as House Atreides prepares to leave for Arrakis.

👑✨House Atreides: Rulers of Caladan✨👑 Caladan has been House Atreides’ seat of power for over 10,000 years. Paul and Duke Leto Atreides were born in Castle Caladan, a duchy and “siridar fief” under the Imperium. House Atreides dominated the planet through military supremacy and financial domination. Many of its most profitable orchards sat among Atreides family holdings. House Atreides brought Caladan onto the list of allied planets. It was unincorporated when Vorian Atreides established a military base on its surface during the Butlerian Jihad. Vorian is the first official member of House Atreides. He didn’t build Castle Caladan, but he did establish his family’s hold on the planet. Vorian met and impregnated a local woman, Leronica Tergiet. She gave birth to Estes and Kagin Atreides. The next four generations of House Atreides would be born, live, and die on Caladan. Willem Atreides, Vorian’s great-great-great-grandson, founded House Atreides as a Great House under the Lansraad League. Caladan was their home before, during, and after their acceptance as a House Major.

Paul Atreides

House Atreides left Caladan in 10,191AG on the orders of the Padishah Emperor Shaddam Corrino IV. They left Caladan for Arrakis, leaving their home in the Emperor’s hands. He appointed Count Hasimir Fenring to serve as Siridar Absentia over Caladan. Fenring was one of the most gifted assassins in the empire. He was a talented political tactician and a failed candidate for Kwisatz Haderach. Fenring was Emperor Shaddam’s closest friend. He rarely stepped foot on Caladan, instead spending most of his time bribing politicians to avoid arousing suspicion after Emperor Shaddam betrayed House Atreides. He retired after two years, spending the last 32 years of his life on Salusa Secundus. After Paul Atreides unseats the Emperor, he retakes control of Caladan and hands the fiefdom to Gurney Halleck.

🏝️⚔️From Paradise to Desolation⚔️🏝️ House Atreides’ life on Caladan impacts their new existence on Arrakis. The story juxtaposes the beautiful tropical world with the harsh deserts of Dune. Paul and his mother, Jessica, took water for granted, exposed to never-ending rainfall through the early stages of their life. This leaves them ill-equipped to handle Arrakis. Paul’s journey to becoming a Fremen survivor starts with overcoming his need for the comforts of Caladan. Those experiences also allow him to impress and mystify his new people. Paul and Jessica amaze Fremen with stories of a faraway land where water flows freely from the sky. They sum up their home like this:


“우리는 칼라덴 출신입니다 – 형태에 적합한 천국 세계였죠. 칼라덴에는 물리적 천국이나 정신적 천국을 만들 필요가 없었습니다 – 주변에 실제성을 명백히 볼 수 있었거든요. 그리고 우리가 지불한 대가는 이 세상에서 천국을 이룬 대가로 항상 지불해 온 대가였습니다 – 우리는 무딘해졌고, 우리는 검심을 잃어버렸다.”

듄 우주에서의 삶은 종종 잔인합니다. 평범한 사람은 가난하고 억압을 당하며, 스파이스 멜란지에 중독되기 쉽습니다. 아락키스 행성의 프레멘들은 물 한 방울마다 투쟁합니다. 칼라덴에서의 삶은 훨씬 어렵지 않습니다. 칼라덴은 아락키스의 정반대이며, 폴 아트레이데스의 여정을 지리적으로 나타내주는 곳입니다. 아트레이데스 가문의 아름다운 고향은 폴이 집을 떠난 날과 같이 영광스럽게 남아 있습니다. 팬들은 던: 파트 투에서 그것을 다시 한 번 간략히 볼 수 있을지도 모릅니다.


Q: 아트레이데스 가문이 칼라덴을 다스린 기간은 얼마인가요?

A: 아트레이데스 가문은 칼라덴에서 10,000년 이상 다스려 왔습니다.

Q: 칼라덴을 농업 강국으로 만든 요인은 무엇인가요?

A: 칼라덴의 자주적인 비와 다양한 생태계로 인해 신선한 과일, 쌀, 와인 및 생선을 생산할 수 있는 번영하는 농업 행성이 되었습니다.

Q: 아트레이데스 가문이 아락키스로 이사할 때 뒀던 것은 무엇인가요?

A: 아트레이데스 가문이 아락키스로 이사할 때, 칼라덴을 시리다르 앱센티아로 섬긴 하시미르 펜링 경에게 맡겼습니다.

Q: 칼라덴에서의 삶은 아락키스에서의 삶과 어떻게 다른가요?

A: 칼라덴에서의 삶은 계속되는 비와 푸른 풍경의 천국이며, 아락키스에서의 삶은 혹독하며 희소한 물 자원을 놓고 투쟁 중심입니다.

A: 팬들은 후속작인 던: 파트 투에서 다시 칼라덴을 엿볼 수 있을 것입니다.

참고 자료

  1. 아트레이데스 가문의 흥미진진한 배경 이야기
  2. 칼라덴이란 무엇인가요?
  3. 아트레이데스 가문으로 활동하기
  4. 파디샤 황제 샤담 코린노 4세
  5. 폴 아트레이데스가 황제의 자리를 빼앗다
  6. 폴 아트레이데스 여정의 지리적 표시

이 기사를 즐겼다면 공유해 주세요! 🚀✨📣
