에픽의 앱 스토어 계획이 애플이 개발자 계정을 해지함으로 좌초 🚀❌

포트나이트 개발자는 이번 달 유럽 iOS 플랫폼에서 게임 스토어를 출시하기로 결정했다.


Epic faces new obstacle on iOS as Apple cancels developer account.

Apple has dealt a major blow to Epic Games’ ambitions of launching its own app store on iOS. Despite being granted a developer account back in February, which would have allowed Epic to bypass Apple’s hefty 30% platform fees, the tech giant has abruptly terminated the account, putting an end to Epic’s plans. 😱

In a blog post, Epic claimed that Apple labeled the company as “verifiably untrustworthy” and cited ongoing litigation between the two companies and Epic’s past circumvention of Apple’s rules. It seems that Apple’s termination of the account was not unexpected, but it still raises questions about the future of app-store competition on iOS. 🍎⛔

Apple vs. Epic: A Battle of Titans 🍏🆚🎮

Epic has been at odds with Apple since August 2020 when it introduced its own in-app payment system for Fortnite, intentionally bypassing Apple’s payment system, which led to the game being removed from the App Store.

Epic has consistently argued that Apple’s 30% platform fees and control over the app store ecosystem constitute anti-competitive practices. It even filed a lawsuit against Apple, sparking a legal battle that has garnered significant attention.

Apple, on the other hand, asserts that Epic breached its contractual obligations and that it has the right to terminate Epic’s developer account. Apple’s lawyers claim that Epic’s ongoing behavior gives them the right to terminate any of Epic’s subsidiaries or affiliates. 💼⚖️

The Digital Markets Act and Epic’s Return to iOS 📲

In a surprising turn of events, Epic had initially announced its plans to return to the iOS platform in January. This coincided with the introduction of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) legislation in the European Union, which aims to promote fair competition among major tech companies like Apple and Microsoft.

The DMA intends to level the playing field by creating a more competitive environment. However, Apple’s termination of Epic’s developer account shows that the road to app store competition won’t be easy. It also prompted an investigation by the European Commission to determine whether Apple’s actions comply with the Digital Services Act and the Platform to Business Regulation.

Q&A: What Does This Mean for iOS Gamers and Developers? 🤔❓

Q: Will this impact the availability of Fortnite on iOS? A: Yes, with Epic’s developer account terminated, it is unlikely that Fortnite will return to the App Store anytime soon. iOS gamers will have to explore other platforms to access the popular battle royale game.

Q: What implications does this have for app store competition? A: Apple’s actions raise concerns about the lack of competition within the iOS app store ecosystem. Without alternative app stores, developers are limited in their options and consumers may face higher prices due to the lack of competitive pressure.

Q: How will this affect other developers looking to challenge Apple’s dominance? A: Apple’s termination of Epic’s developer account sends a chilling message to other developers considering challenging Apple’s practices. It creates a deterrent for developers who may now think twice before attempting to compete with the tech giant.

Q: What does the investigation by the European Commission mean? A: The European Commission is evaluating whether Apple’s decision to cancel Epic’s developer account complies with the Digital Services Act and the Platform to Business Regulation. If found in violation, it could have significant implications for Apple’s app store practices.

Conclusion: A Battle that Continues to Shake the Gaming Industry ⚔️🌟

The termination of Epic’s developer account by Apple is a significant setback for the gaming company’s plans to establish its own app store on iOS. It highlights the ongoing battle between Epic and Apple over app store competition and raises important questions about fairness, competition, and consumer choice.

As the gaming industry evolves, the outcome of this clash will shape the future of app store policies and the relationship between tech giants and developers. Will Apple’s dominance be challenged, or will it continue to reign supreme? Only time will tell. Stay tuned for more updates on this enthralling saga! 😄🎮


Reference List:

🎮🌐 게이머 여러분, 함께 소통해요! Apple이 Epic의 개발자 계정을 종료하는 데 어떻게 생각하시나요? 의견을 공유하고 활기찬 토론을 나눠봐요! 그리고 더 많은 게임 뉴스와 업데이트를 보려면 소셜 미디어에서 팔로우하세요:

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