파이널 판타지의 착한 엄마와 나쁜 엄마 사랑과 어둠의 이야기

디즈니와 유사하게, 스퀘어 에닉스의 파이널 판타지는 어머니들을 끔찍하게 묘사하는 경향이 있으며, 이 시리즈의 특정 어머니들은 가장 무서운 순위에 속한다.


Final Fantasy 5 Worst Moms in the Series

Who doesn’t love a good mom character in a video game? They provide a sense of coziness and care, making us feel warm and fuzzy inside. While Final Fantasy may not have a plethora of them, there are a few deserving of recognition. On the flip side, there are also some bad eggs worth mentioning. From neglectful to downright evil, these moms showcase the darker side of motherhood in the Final Fantasy franchise.

🌟 Good Moms 🌟

Elmyra – Final Fantasy 7

In Final Fantasy 7, Elmyra takes on the role of the adoptive mother of Aerith, raising her after Aerith’s real mom, Ifalna, tragically passes away. Elmyra provides love, care, and a safe home for Aerith, reminding us of the importance of maternal figures.

🌟 Bad Moms 🌟

Jenova – Final Fantasy 7

Jenova in Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7
Jenova in Crisis Core Final Fantasy 7

Jenova, an alien that crash-landed on the planet in Final Fantasy 7, is a prime example of a villainous mother figure. With her destructive tendencies and involvement in genetic research, including creating Sephiroth and other “sons,” she epitomizes the darker side of motherhood in the Final Fantasy universe.

Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia – Final Fantasy Type-0

Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia in Final Fantasy Type-0
Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia in Final Fantasy Type-0

In the often-forgotten spinoff Final Fantasy Type-0, Dr. Arecia Al-Rashia takes on the role of the head of research within the academy. While she cares for the orphans in the Class Zero program, her methods of experimentation and training to create strong warriors raise ethical concerns about her motherly nature.

Edea – Final Fantasy 8

Edea in Dissidia NT
Edea in Dissidia NT

Edea, the adoptive mother of several party members in Final Fantasy 8, including Squall, initially serves as the central villain. Though she redeems herself after being freed from Ultimecia’s control, her past actions and the harm she caused can’t be easily forgotten. This begs the question: should she have been forgiven so readily?

Queen Brahne – Final Fantasy 9

Queen Brahne in Final Fantasy 9
Queen Brahne in Final Fantasy 9

Queen Brahne, the adoptive mother of Garnet, starts off as a seemingly loving figure. However, under the influence of corrupt advisors, she becomes power-hungry and destructive. Her actions lead to the loss of kingdoms and countless lives, leaving little room for redemption.

Anabella – Final Fantasy 16

Anabella in Final Fantasy 16
Anabella in Final Fantasy 16

The latest addition to the roster of Final Fantasy moms, Anabella from Final Fantasy 16, is a power-hungry demon of a woman. Her thirst for power leads to the destruction of her kingdom and her own family’s suffering. Her cruelty knows no bounds, making her a truly despicable mother figure.

🤔 Questions & Answers 🤔

Q: Are there any other good moms in the Final Fantasy series?

A: While the number of good moms in Final Fantasy is relatively small, there are a few notable ones worth mentioning. Notable examples include Rosa from Final Fantasy 4, who displays unwavering love and support, and Yuna’s mother in Final Fantasy 10, who sacrifices herself to protect her daughter and the world.


Q: Final Fantasy에는 선악이 모두 있는 엄마들이 있나요?

A: 네, Final Fantasy에는 선악이 모호한 복잡한 캐릭터 아크를 가진 엄마들이 있습니다. 예를 들어, Final Fantasy 10의 Lulu는 처음에 엄격하고 냉담해 보이지만 나중에는 친구들에 대한 보살핌과 보호 본능을 드러냅니다.

Q: Final Fantasy 시리즈에서 전통적인 규범에 도전하는 모성상의 표현이 있나요?

A: 절대로 있습니다! Final Fantasy는 종종 모성상을 비전통적으로 탐구합니다. 예를 들어, Final Fantasy 13에서 Lightning은 자매인 Serah를 위해 모성적인 역할을 맡아 형제간의 유대감과 보호 본능을 보여줍니다.

🔗 참고 자료 🔗

  1. Who doesn’t love a good mom
  2. Series like Final Fantasy
  3. Final Fantasy 7
  4. Final Fantasy Type-0
  5. Final Fantasy 8
  6. Final Fantasy 9
  7. Final Fantasy 16

게임 엄마들은 현실 세계의 엄마들과 마찬가지로 다양한 형태와 크기로 나타납니다. 그들이 양육을 하든 파괴를 일으키든, 우리가 즐기는 서사시에서 중요한 역할을 합니다. 그래서, 우리는 좋은 엄마들을 사랑하고 나쁜 엄마들을 비판하며 Final Fantasy 시리즈에서 모성상을 다루는 흥미로운 묘사를 논의합시다.

🎮 어떤 Final Fantasy 엄마를 사랑하시거나 사랑하고 싶지 않으신가요? 생각을 공유하고 게이밍 친구를 태그하여 대화에 참여해 보세요! 🎮
