파이널 판타지의 혼돈스러운 악당 혼돈의 즐거운 조합

다른 사람들은 섬세함을 발휘하거나 목적을 달성하기 위해 법을 조작하지만, 파이널 판타지의 이 악당들은 카오스한 악의 계획에서 더욱 분명하게 나타납니다.


6 Most Chaotic Evil Characters in Final Fantasy

Cackling, self-absorbed, and self-destructive characters, defined as “chaotic evil” by Dungeons & Dragons’ moral alignment system, are akin to natural disasters: there is no reasoning or negotiating with them; the best course of action is to run and hide. While some are certainly mindless killers, they can also be highly intelligent, which only adds to their levels of threat.

Chaotic evil tends to be the most straightforward and obvious form of “bad guy,” and although Final Fantasy has a fine rogues’ gallery of ruthless, string-pulling villains, the series also has its fair share of mirthful murderers, each with their own take on evil chaos. Each villain showcases different aspects of the alignment, from ice-cold nihilism to red-hot, universe-burning temper tantrums.

🌡️ Hojo – Final Fantasy 7: Throws Out Ethics In The Pursuit Of Knowledge Even At The Cost Of The World 🌍

Professor Hojo from Final Fantasy 7 Remake
  • This Shinra scientist is willing to put aside ethics to gain more knowledge, even if it kills him
  • Hojo is destructive to everyone around him, including his colleagues, his unfortunate “experiments,” and the planet itself

Anyone looking in from the outside would assume that a scientist of all people, even one working for the Shinra Electric Company, would be interested in furthering human understanding through the slow process of the scientific method, if only for knowledge itself and not for the benefit of society. Hojo’s actions throughout Final Fantasy 7, however, place him firmly in the “mad” scientist category as he embraces the more “experimental” side of data acquisition with total contempt for ethical standards.

Hojo’s early work included injecting pregnant women with unstable genomes to turn their babies into ghastly monsters, but his true passion involved putting the entire planet at risk to test his Jenova reunion hypothesis. Later, in Dirge of Cerberus, long after the Jenova cells destroyed his body, he attempted to trick the planet into sending its lifestream into the Omega Weapon through a computer proxy and by possessing Deepground’s Weiss the Immaculate.

🌌 Neo Exdeath – Final Fantasy 5: The Culmination Of Evil Magic And The Void Incarnate ✨

  • Exdeath was born from the evil souls of mages and monsters combined into a tree
  • When absorbed by the void, he returns with a desire to see everything in existence erased

For a tree (with roots and all), the main villain of Final Fantasy 5 sure has boundless ambition. After an amalgamation of evil monsters and mage souls got trapped inside the Great Forest of Moore, they combined together to make a seed, and Exdeath was born. Being a tree and having noticed that many humans inhabit houses made of wood, Exdeath got to work building the inverse: a castle made of disgusting, pulsating corpses.

Exdeath is not on some environmental crusade against industry or humanity; before leaving his birthplace, he had all the other trees burned down in a ruthless display of contempt for his fellow flora. When the heroes defeat him in the rift, he loses control of the void, which consumes him and turns him into Neo Exdeath, promising to end everything: memories, dimensions, and all existence.

🐕 Bergan – Final Fantasy 12: The Mad Dog And Supreme Judge Of Archadia 🌪️

judge Bergan final fantasy 12-1

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  • This high-ranking member of the Archadian military respects strength and strength alone
  • He follows orders for the most part until he can get away with shedding bloodshed for his own amusement

일부 혼돈적인 악의 캐릭터는 “힘이 옳다” 철학을 구현하는데 참여합니다. 가장 강한 자만 살아남을 자격이 있다는 아이디어로, 주로 자신이 최고의 위치를 확보할 기회를 갖게 될 때 입니다. 파이널 판타지 12의 베르간 판사는 약한 자들에 대한 경멸을 드러내고, 강하고 잔인한 자들에 대해서만 존경을 표현하는 전형적인 사례입니다.

베르간은 자신의 폭력에 대한 열렬한 애정을 충분히 감추고, 판사들의 질서에서 가장 높은 순위를 유지하지만, 그가 긴 끈에 방치되었을 때, 그는 살육의 쾌락의 가치를 충분히 즐깁니다. 이는 버-오미세 산에서 무수히 많은 무고한 이들을 학살함으로써 입증되었습니다. 그는 가장 강력한 파이널 판타지 악당들 가운데에는 속하지 않지만, 그의 위치와 혼돈적 악의에 대한 취향은 그를 치명적인 적으로 만듭니다.

👁️ Zeromus – Final Fantasy 4: The Manifestation Of A Powerful Psychic’s Hatred 😈

Zeromus final fantasy 4
  • 패배한 후, 제무스는 “제로무스”로 태어나 지속적인 증오의 영혼이 됩니다
  • 그의 분노를 달래 줄 유일한 것은 모든 것의 종말입니다

파이널 판타지 4에서 모든 사람들의 머리 위에서 문자를 조종하는 악한 인물은 제무스였으며, 그는 크게 논리적인 악당이었습니다 (거만증발작과 자신의 민족을 그저 도구로만 보는 부분을 제외하면). 그러나 패배한 후, 그의 영혼은 제로무스라는 악의, 증오 및 악의의 화신으로 변모되었습니다. 그는 우주의 마지막이 소멸될 때까지만 그의 분노가 달아나게 될 것이라 선언했습니다.

패배한 후 제로무스는 세상에 여전히 증오가 남아있는 한 머물 것을 약속했습니다. 제로무스는 제무스가 이제까지 되었던 것보다 더 강력한 존재를 대신해서 깨어나는 붉은 달 심층에 숨은 보스로 등장했습니다. 아마도 이전 게임을 상징하는 작은 노래로, 제로무스는 12의 파이널 판타지 에스퍼와 이름을 공유하며 “최고의 법 준수자”로 묘사됩니다.

💀 Seymour Guado – Final Fantasy 10: The Nihilist Killer Who Wants To Tip Over The Spiral ☯️

Seymour Guado Final Fantasy X
  • 그는 그의 내부 원을 벗어난 사람들을 위해 규칙을 따르지만, 그의 궁극적인 목표는 모든 생명을 제거하는 것입니다
  • 그는 죽음을 축복으로 보는 일종의 왜곡된 헤게모니스트를 믿습니다

세이머의 혼돈적인 본성은 초반의 파이널 판타지 10에서 처음 만날 때 즉시 드러나지는 않습니다. 그는 준법적이고 존경스럽습니다. 그러나 그가 진정한 동기를 얻은 권력을 획득하기 위한 것은 비극적인 육아를 경험한 결과로, 스피라의 모든 생명을 종식시키고, 끝없는 절망의 나선을 끊고자 하는 것입니다. 이에, 그는 확연히 혼돈적 악의 범주에 속합니다.

세이머는 죽음이 고통에서의 해방이라는 믿음을 내면화하고, 그래서 살인을 관대한 행위로 간주합니다. 대량 살해가 자기희생적이라고 자신을 납득시켰다 하더라도, 그는 스피라 법 (예본)에 반하여, 자기 희생자들의 동의 (적어도 말로)에 반하여, 죽길 바라는 희생자들이, 발령된 후 고문받는 미사아로 돌아가거나 파이엔드로 사는 것을 간수하지 않는다.

🃏 Kefka – Final Fantasy 6: The Quintessential Chaos Clown & Evil God Of Magic 🎭

Kefka Palazzo Final Fantasy VI


  • Kefka follows the orders of the Emperor, but only to further his bloodlust and desire for chaos
  • In true chaotic evil fashion, he murders the Emperor and takes all the power for himself, razing the world

Probably the easiest example of chaotic evil in Final Fantasy (or any media) is Kefka, a magic-born, homicidal clown who spends most of his time in Final Fantasy 6 struggling to hold himself back from attacking every living thing he sees to complete his mission on behalf of the Emperor. That said, he does have his murderous moments throughout the story.

However, when the Emperor is finally within the grasp of enough power to rule the world with magic, he betrays him, taking it for himself. In exemplary chaotic-evil fashion, Kefka, now the living god of magic, ruins the world. He then proceeds to construct a tower for himself so that he can torture and kill the remnant souls still clinging to their doomed existence by shooting them with his divine judgment.

🎮 More Villainous Adventures Await!

While we’ve discussed some of Final Fantasy’s most delightful chaotic evil villains, there are countless more treacherous foes throughout the series. From Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 to Ultimecia in Final Fantasy 8, each villain brings their own unique brand of wickedness to the table. So, gear up, brave warriors, and get ready to face the worst Final Fantasy has to offer!


Q: Who is the most dangerous Final Fantasy villain?

A: While it’s subjective, many consider Kefka from Final Fantasy 6 to be the most dangerous. With his unpredictability, desire for chaos, and his ability to control immense power, Kefka wreaks havoc and leaves destruction in his wake.

Q: Are there any redeeming qualities in Final Fantasy’s chaotic evil villains?

A: It’s rare to find redeeming qualities in these chaotic evil villains. They often revel in their malevolence and show no remorse for their actions. However, the complexity of their personalities and motivations make them intriguing characters to explore.

Q: How does chaotic evil differ from other alignments in Final Fantasy?

A: Chaotic evil characters are driven by their own desires and rarely adhere to any rules or social norms. They seek personal gratification at any cost, often causing widespread destruction and suffering.

Q: Can chaotic evil villains be defeated in Final Fantasy games?

A: Absolutely! While chaotic evil villains may pose a significant threat, players can use strategy, teamwork, and powerful abilities to overcome them. It often requires unwavering determination and a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics.

Q: Will Final Fantasy continue to introduce chaotic evil villains in future games?

A: Final Fantasy has a rich history of compelling and diverse villains, and it’s likely that future installments will continue to showcase captivating antagonists, including chaotic evil characters. Fans can look forward to new adventures and evil schemes to thwart.

🌟 Share Your Final Fantasy Villain Encounters!

Have you faced off against Final Fantasy’s chaotic evil villains? Which ones left a lasting impression on you? Share your experiences and thoughts in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this article with your fellow Final Fantasy fans on social media for some villainous discussions!


  1. Ruthless, String-Pulling Villains in Final Fantasy
  2. The “Mad” Scientist Category in Final Fantasy
  3. Environmentally Conscious Games
  4. Powerful Final Fantasy Villains
  5. Tragic Upbringing
  6. Magic-Born Homicidal Clowns
