게임 음악이 영화 그림자에 갇혔나요? Nobuo Uematsu는 그렇게 생각합니다! 😱🎶

파이널 판타지의 작곡가인 우에마츠 노부오는 비디오 게임 음악이 영화 음악과 너무 비슷해져서 더 진보할 수 없다는 믿음을 표현합니다...


Uematsu, the composer of Final Fantasy, believes game music can’t progress by imitating films.

🎮💡 Welcome to the world of game music! 🎶🎮

In a recent interview with Japanese outlet NewsPicks, Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu made some thought-provoking remarks about the state of game music. According to Uematsu, the genre has become too similar to film soundtracks and is lacking the freedom to truly develop. 🎬

🎵 Back in the day when games were rockin’ the 8-bit world, Uematsu believes that music played a crucial role in expressing the stories and characteristics of those pixelated sprites. It was like the oxygen that fueled the gaming experience. However, he feels that these days, developers are settling for music that resembles movie soundtracks, which kills the creative freedom that game composers need to reach new heights. 🤔

🕹️ So, what does Uematsu suggest? He believes that game music will become more interesting if composers ask themselves, “What is something only I can do?” By embracing their unique knowledge and experiences, they can break free from the shackles of movie-style scores and create truly remarkable compositions. It’s time to let their imaginations run wild and compose game music that sets pulses racing! 💥💥

🤖 But hold on, what about the role of technology in all of this? Uematsu dismisses AI as a future tool for composition, emphasizing the importance of humanity in the creative process. For him, good music can only be composed by delving deep into one’s own unique aspects and expressing them. You can’t replicate that human touch with a machine. So, let’s leave the AI to the robot overlords and keep the creativity in the hands of talented musicians! 🎹🎵

🎮💿 With the advancement of game consoles, Uematsu found it easier to explore different genres of music within game soundtracks. From rock to jazz and everything in between, the possibilities were endless. The PlayStation 2 era, starting from the legendary Final Fantasy X, opened up a new era of game music that allowed composers to flex their creative muscles and do pretty much anything they wanted. It was like a musical buffet where composers could sample from a wide range of flavors and create breathtaking compositions. 🍽️🎵

🎭 Now, let’s take a brief look behind the scenes of Uematsu’s work. In a previous interview with NewsPicks, he revealed the surprising origins of Final Fantasy X’s hauntingly beautiful song, “To Zanarkand.” Originally, U

🎮🔔 Q3: 게임 음악과 감정적 서술 사이에 상관 관계가 있습니까?

✏️ A3: 절대로 있습니다! 게임 음악은 감정을 불러일으키고 이야기를 믿기지 않는 방법으로 향상시킬 수 있는 힘이 있습니다. 캐릭터의 비극적인 죽음 중에 심장을 울리는 피아노 곡이나 강렬한 전투를 동반하는 아드레날린 촉발 비트 등, 적절한 음악은 게임 서사의 감정적 충격을 증폭시킬 수 있습니다. 가상 모험을 떠날 때 배경에서 감정의 교향곡이 흘러나온다고 생각하면 됩니다. 🎭

📚 References:

  1. Nobuo Uematsu 인터뷰 뉴스픽스 (YouTube)
  2. Automaton – 게임 뉴스 아울렛 (일본어)
  3. Nobuo Uematsu 인터뷰 뉴스픽스 – “To Zanarkand”
  4. 독일어 아울렛 Zeit Online Nobuo Uematsu 인터뷰
  5. 파이널 판타지 7 리버스 – 테마 송 발표 트레일러 (YouTube)
  6. 게임 음악 작곡가 Lena Raine
  7. 게임 음악 작곡가 Gareth Coker
  8. 게임 음악 작곡가 Mick Gordon

🌟🌟 이제 당신 차례입니다! 소셜 미디어에서 즐겨 듣는 게임 사운드트랙과 작곡가를 공유하고 함께 게임 음악의 힘을 축하합시다! 🎵🎮
