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Explaining Kenjaku’s Secret Meeting With the US Government in Jujutsu Kaisen

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Kenjaku, also known as Pseudo-Geto, is a sorcerer who has been wreaking havoc and chaos for thousands of years. He is the mastermind behind some of the most terrible events in Jujutsu Kaisen, including the Shibuya Incident and the Culling Game. But perhaps the most bizarre of all is the secret meeting he initiated with the US Government. In this article, we’ll delve into the details of this unlikely meeting, its purpose, and its impact on the Culling Game.

The Secret Meeting

In February 2018, just before the Shibuya Incident unfolded, Kenjaku and Uraume arranged a meeting with the upper echelons of the US government, including the president himself. In this meeting, Kenjaku unveiled the existence of cursed energy, cursed spirits, and jujutsu sorcerers in Japan.

A New Source of Clean Energy

Kenjaku had a unique proposal for the US Government – to view cursed energy as a new source of clean energy. To convince them, he presented video recordings showcasing the immense power of jujutsu sorcerers and the raw amount of energy they could produce. It was an outrageous proposition: kidnap sorcerers and forcibly harness their cursed energy.

The proposal took the top officials by surprise, but one of them, Cyrus Veil, the Under Secretary for the US Office of Energy and Environment, saw the potential:

This is a vein of gold. If we do not seize it, we’ll fall behind.

— Cyrus Veil, Under Secretary for the US Office of Energy and Environment (Chapter 200)

A Demonstration

While not all top officials were convinced, Kenjaku offered a demonstration of cursed energy’s power to dispel their doubts. He boasted that he could subdue the Secret Service and active military personnel using only his cursed energy. Everyone laughed, dismissing it as a ridiculous claim. However, their laughter turned to terror as they witnessed a terrifying cursed spirit overpowering and smashing the soldiers effortlessly. Kenjaku’s proposal was accepted.

The Backup Plan

Master Tengen

The True Purpose of the Culling Game

But why did Kenjaku engage in this meeting in the first place? The answer lies in the true purpose of the Culling Game. Kenjaku planned to force humanity to evolve by merging the essence of an immortal being, Master Tengen, with the people of Japan. This ambitious goal required an enormous amount of cursed energy, and that’s where the Culling Game came in.

To Fill the Quota

To harvest enough cursed energy, Kenjaku divided Japan into four massive colonies and initiated deathly battle royals within each one. While the initial Tokyo and Sendai colonies produced a significant amount of cursed energy, the others fell short. To compensate, Kenjaku devised a sinister plan: to send around a thousand non-sorcerers into the colonies and kill them. Contrary to expectations, dying non-sorcerers released a surprising amount of cursed energy in their final moments.

The Inevitable Carnage

US Military

Guns & Muscle vs Spirits & Sorcerers

On November 14th, 2018, a thousand elite US soldiers entered various Culling Game colonies, armed to the teeth. Initially, they managed to capture or even kill low and mid-level sorcerers. However, when faced with high-level sorcerers like Yuji and Megumi, the power differential became apparent. A few dozen soldiers stood no chance against a single jujutsu sorcerer.


Unleashed the Spirits

To escalate the massacre, Kenjaku unleashed numerous powerful cursed spirits in the colonies. The clash between armed soldiers and bloodthirsty monsters resulted in a gruesome one-sided bloodbath. The US troops, unwittingly participating in the Culling Game, either faced the wrath of ruthless jujutsu sorcerers or became sustenance for the flesh-eating cursed spirits.

In their pursuit of a new source of clean energy, the US Government unknowingly fell into Kenjaku’s trap. What began as an apparently advantageous meeting ended in a bloody massacre.

Jujutsu Kaisen is an enthralling series that explores the complex world of sorcery and curses. If you want to immerse yourself further in this captivating universe, check out these related articles:

  1. The Mastermind Behind the Shibuya Incident
  2. Jujutsu Kaisen: Ultimate Mechamaru Mode Absolute Explained
  3. Kenjaku’s Plan: Unveiling the True Purpose of the Culling Game
  4. Kenjaku’s Strength: Unraveling the Power of the Mastermind
  5. The 18 Strongest Jujutsu Sorcerers in Jujutsu Kaisen

🎥 Watch Jujutsu Kaisen on Crunchyroll

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