라스트 에폭에서의 리스펙 가이드

라스트 에포크에서 패시브 및 스킬 전문화를 재설정하는 방법


✨ Enhancing Your Last Epoch Experience: How to Respec and Optimize Your Build! ✨

removing allocated points in the spellblade’s passive grid

Are you ready to take your Last Epoch adventures to the next level? In this action-packed ARPG, customizability is the name of the game. With dozens of skills and multiple ways to specialize, you have the power to create a truly unique and formidable character. But what if you want to switch things up? Don’t worry, my fellow gamers, because respecing your build in Last Epoch is as easy as casting a powerful spell!

🎯 How To Respec Your Passive Grid

To dive into the world of respeccing, you’ll need to make a pit stop at one of the Respec NPCs in a major town, such as the End of Time. These wise souls can be easily located by the brain icon on your mini-map. Once you’ve found them, select the “Respecialize Mastery Point allocations” option to access your holy grail of customization – the Passive Point Grid.

Now, you’re faced with the thrilling task of revamping your character’s build. Simply select any of the allocated Passive points and watch as they dissolve into thin air, in exchange for a modest amount of gold. Just like training a new skill, the cost of respecing a Passive point varies based on the current level of the passive node. The higher the level, the higher the price. Gold well spent, I say!

Wait, before you go on a respec frenzy, remember this crucial tidbit of information: you must have at least 20 Passive points in your main class Grid before you can allocate points to your Mastery Grid. So, if you still have points allocated to the Mastery Grid, you can’t remove the precious main class passives below the 20-point mark. But fear not, brave warriors! Once you’ve cleared up space on your Passive Grid, those points are yours to redistribute wherever your heart desires!

🔥 How To Respec Your Skill Specialization

Respeccing your Skill Specialization follows a slightly different path. First, open up the Skills menu and choose the Skill you wish to overhaul. Once you’ve found it, behold the wonders of the Skill’s Specialization tree. At the top right, you’ll discover the alluring option to “Respec.”

Prepare yourself for a decision of epic proportions. Do you remove an allocated Skill Point from the tree and witness your Skill’s level take a slight hit? Or do you take the plunge and Despecialize the Skill entirely, allowing you to embark on a new and exciting path of specialization?

Removing a Skill Point means your Skill’s level will be reduced by one if it’s currently above the minimum Skill Level. But fret not, weary adventurers, for you can simply level up your Skill once again to regain your precious Skill Point. Just remember, as you progress through the game and level up your character, the minimum Skill Level increases—an ever-evolving challenge.

🌟 Take Your Last Epoch Journey to New Heights

Now that you’re armed with the knowledge of how to respec both your Passive Grid and Skill Specializations, the realm of endless possibilities awaits. Experiment, explore, and redefine what it means to be a true hero in Last Epoch. Unleash your creativity and watch as your character becomes an unstoppable force to be reckoned with!

But wait, you’re probably still craving more info, right? Here are some burning questions you might have:

🤔 Q&A: The Ultimate Respec Guide 🤔

Q: Can I respec my Mastery? A: Unfortunately, once you’ve chosen your Mastery, you’ll have to roll a fresh character of the same class if you want to experience a different Mastery. Choose wisely, my friend!

Q: Are there any restrictions on respeccing my Passive Grid? A: Absolutely! To allocate points to your Mastery Grid, you need a minimum of 20 Passive points in your main class Grid. So, make sure you’ve hit that milestone before you go crazy on the respec spree.

Q: Is there a maximum number of times I can respec my Skill Specializations? A: No worries, my fellow adventurers! You have the freedom to respec your Skill Specializations as many times as your heart desires. Change things up, try new strategies, and inspire awe with your versatile character builds.


라스트 에포크의 거대한 영역에서 지식은 힘입니다. 게임을 더 깊이 이해하고 캐릭터에 대한 새로운 흥미로운 가능성을 발견하려면 다음 소중한 자료들을 확인해보세요:

  1. Last Epoch Official Website: 게임의 모든 측면에 대한 자세한 정보를 찾아보고 최신 뉴스와 업데이트를 확인하려면 공식 라스트 에포크 웹사이트를 살펴보세요.

  2. Last Epoch Forum: 공식 포럼에서 활기찬 라스트 에포크 커뮤니티에 참여하세요. 활발한 토론에 참여하고 질문을 하며 다른 플레이어들과 팁을 교환하세요.

  3. Reddit Last Epoch: 모든 라스트 에포크 관련 주제에 헌신된 Reddit 커뮤니티를 발견해보세요. 미미에 빠져들고, 귀하의 업적을 공유하며 열정적인 플레이어 그룹에 가입하세요.

  4. Last Epoch Wiki Skill Specializations: 포괄적인 라스트 에포크 위키를 통해 스킬 특화에 대한 지식을 확장하세요. 다양한 스킬과 특화를 탐험하고, 캐릭터를 새로운 높이로 이끌어 줄 숨겨진 시너지를 발견하세요.

  5. Last Epoch YouTube Channel: 공식 라스트 에포크 YouTube 채널을 구독하여 깊이 있는 튜토리얼, 흥미로운 게임 플레이 영상 및 개발자 인사이트를 만나보세요. 라스트 에포크의 비밀을 하나씩 영상으로 알아가세요.

이제, 나의 동료 모험가들아, 나아가서 정복하라! 소셜 미디어에 당신의 공격을 공유하고, 감탄할 만한 캐릭터 빌드와 기억에 남는 순간을 펼쳐주세요. 함께 하여, ARPG 세계에서 특별한 사용자 정의 가능성에 대한 열정을 불태워 최면시키는, 라스트 에포크의 즐거움과 흥미를 퍼뜨려봅시다. 당신의 전투가 웅장하고 전리품이 풍성하기를! 💪💎

참고: 이 기사에 사용된 이미지는 라스트 에포크 게임에서 가져왔습니다.

참고 자료:Last Epoch Official WebsiteLast Epoch ForumReddit Last EpochLast Epoch Wiki Skill SpecializationsLast Epoch YouTube Channel
