Starbreeze CEO가 ‘Payday 3’의 문제가 있는 출시 이후 떠났습니다

해적 게임의 불량 발매로 회사의 CEO가 해임되었습니다. 이 게임은 PC에서 매일 300명의 동시 접속자를 유지하기 힘들어하고 있습니다.

Payday CEO ousted due to game’s poor launch and dwindling player numbers.

🌟 Valuable Information Found in the Content:

  • Starbreeze’s CEO, Tobias Sjogren, has left the company after the problematic release and ongoing player retention issues of Payday 3.
  • The interim CEO, Juergen Goeldner, has been appointed while Starbreeze searches for a permanent CEO.
  • Starbreeze is now focusing on its own franchises and licensed games.
  • Sjogren will stay temporarily to ensure a smooth transition.
  • Payday 3 faced server issues at launch, leading to a decline in its player base.
  • The game had a low ranking and player count on Steam compared to Payday 2.
  • Payday 3 is available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox owners can access it with a Game Pass membership.
  • Starbreeze previously announced a €50 million deal with Koch Media to fully fund the game.
  • Despite recouping development costs quickly, the low player numbers are concerning for the company.
  • Starbreeze is also working on a Dungeons & Dragons multiplayer co-op game set to release in 2026.

📖 Rewritten Article:

Starbreeze’s CEO Departs After Payday 3’s Bumpy Voyage 🌊

Oh boy, it seems the ship of Starbreeze has hit some rough waters! In the wake of the tumultuous release and dwindling player base of Payday 3, the company’s CEO, Tobias Sjogren, has walked the plank, so to speak. Cue the dramatic music!

But worry not, fellow gamers, for Starbreeze has swiftly appointed the experienced sailor Juergen Goeldner as interim CEO, as they hoist the sails in search of a permanent replacement for Sjogren. Aye, it’s time to stabilize the ship and chart a new course! 🏴‍☠️

Setting a Clear Course for Starbreeze ⚓️

Stepping into the captain’s shoes, Goeldner brings 40 years of video game industry experience, having previously helmed the ship known as Focus Home. He’s no stranger to Starbreeze either, having been a board member since 2023. It’s safe to say that Starbreeze is in capable hands, my friends! 🧭

Chairman of the board, Torgny Hellstrom, has assured everyone that Starbreeze now has a “clear strategy” firmly in sight. A strategy that will focus on their own franchises and licensed games. Time to rally the crew and engage full steam ahead! ⚡️

To ensure a smooth transition, Sjogren will remain aboard for the time being. Let’s give him a round of applause for his achievements over the past three years. Good luck on your future adventures, Tobias! 🎉

Payday 3’s Turbulent Voyage 🌊

Oh, Payday 3, you scallywag, you! It seems all was not smooth sailing from the get-go. The game encountered serious server issues upon release, and sadly, the player base has suffered as a result. We feel your pain, fellow gamers. Let’s hope those issues walk the plank soon! 🤞

According to the legendary Mat Piscatella, Payday 3 failed to make the top 350 titles in the US for monthly active users on Steam in February. Ouch! Can you hear the sounds of cannons firing in comparison? Payday 2 had a peak concurrent player count of nearly 32,000 in the past 24 hours, while Payday 3 mustered a mere 378 deckhands. Avast! 🚢

But fear not, landlubbers! Payday 3 is not confined to the PC realm alone. It’s also setting sail on the mighty PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S ships. And here’s a little treasure for you, Xbox owners can join the voyage with their trusty Game Pass membership, at no extra cost! Yo ho ho, mateys! 🎮


The Treasure Chest and Beyond 💰

Aha! It seems that even though Payday 3 hit some rocky shores, Starbreeze had already secured a treasure chest of €50 million from Koch Media prior to its release. The development costs were recouped in a mere nine days! Argh, those be some impressive numbers, indeed! 💸

But, alas, the low player count is causing concern on Starbreeze’s pirate ship. You see, they’ve heavily relied on the success of the Payday series to keep their coffers full. Let’s hope they can navigate these stormy seas and find new shores to explore! 🏴‍☠️

In the meantime, while we wait for the winds of fortune to change, Starbreeze is preparing a new adventure for us landlubbers. A multiplayer co-op game set in the magical world of Dungeons & Dragons, anticipated to release in 2026. Ahoy, mateys! It’s time to grab our swords and dice and set sail for new horizons! ⚔️🎲

Wrap Up and Share the Bounty 📦

And there you have it, gamers! The tale of Starbreeze’s CEO departure and Payday 3’s stormy voyage. But fear not, for the interim CEO is ready to steer the ship back on course, and exciting adventures await us in the realm of Dungeons & Dragons.

Now, me hearties, it’s time to spread the word about this article far and wide! Share it on the shores of your favorite social media platforms, and let the world know about the trials and tribulations of Starbreeze. Set sail, and together, let’s conquer the gaming world! 🌊🚀

Q&A: Answering Your Questions ⚓️

Q: What were the server issues Payday 3 faced at launch?

A: Payday 3 encountered some serious server issues when it first set sail, which led to a decline in its player base. The developers have been working hard to address these problems and ensure a smooth gaming experience for all.

Q: Will Payday 3 be available on consoles other than PC?

A: Absolutely! Payday 3 is available on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. In fact, Xbox owners can access the game at no extra cost with their Game Pass membership, so you can join the crew and embark on exciting heists.

Q: What other games is Starbreeze working on?

A: Starbreeze has set its sights on new adventures beyond the realm of Payday. They are currently developing a multiplayer co-op game set in the enchanting world of Dungeons & Dragons, which is scheduled to release in 2026. Prepare your armor and sharpen your swords!

Q: How did Payday 3’s low player numbers affect Starbreeze?

A: Starbreeze has historically relied heavily on the success of the Payday series, so the low player numbers are a cause for concern. However, they are determined to navigate these stormy seas and find new ways to flourish in the gaming industry.

Q: How long did it take Payday 3 to recoup its development costs?

A: Despite the challenges it faced, Payday 3 managed to recoup its development costs within a mere nine days. While the low player count has brought some uncertainty, Starbreeze had already secured funding from a €50 million deal with Koch Media.

