숲의 아들들 업데이트 1.0 근접 채팅이 멀티플레이에 완전히 새로운 차원을 추가합니다

친구들과 함께하는 썬즈 오브 더 포레스트 서버를 즐기는 것은 즐겁지만, 게임 내에서 이들과 대화하는 것이 더욱 보람있습니다.


Sons Of The Forest – Proximity Chat Guide

🎮 Calling all Sons of the Forest players! The highly-anticipated 1.0 update has brought a plethora of intriguing content to the game. But there’s one addition that truly takes the multiplayer experience to the next level: proximity chat. 🗣️💬

In the early access version of Sons of the Forest, the voice chat feature allowed you to communicate with everyone on the server. However, let’s be real here, folks. With Discord, TeamSpeak, Skype, and countless other voice call options available, this feature felt a bit redundant. ��

But fear not! The developers have answered our prayers and introduced proximity chat in the 1.0 update. Now, you can only speak to players who are physically close to you, adding a whole new layer of intrigue and excitement to multiplayer sessions in Sons of the Forest. ��🤝

Enabling Proximity Chat in Sons of the Forest

Enabling and disabling proximity chat is a piece of cake. Just follow these simple steps:

  1. Navigate to the settings. Delve into the immersive world of Sons of the Forest and head to the settings menu.
  2. Open the Audio tab. Find yourself in the Audio settings section and scroll down until you locate the “Voice Chat” options.
  3. Embrace your inner chatterbox. Here, you’ll find the golden ticket: the Voice Proximity Chat setting.

Now, you have two options to choose from:

  • “Always On” 🎙️🔓: If you select this option, your voice will be continuously transmitted through your input device. Remember, though, proximity chat only works when you’re close to other players. So, unless they’re nearby, save your breath for another time.

  • “Push To Talk” 🎙️🔒: Opting for this choice requires you to press a designated button to activate proximity chat. It’s perfect for those who prefer to exercise caution with their words but still want to interact with players in close proximity. To find your trusty Push To Talk button, head over to the settings, click on “Controls,” and scroll down until you see the Push To Talk option. By default, it’s typically “V” on the keyboard. Simply hold down the button whenever you want to communicate with nearby survivors, and your microphone will do the rest.

Want to immerse yourself even more in the world of Sons of the Forest? Brace yourself for this incredible feature in the 1.0 update: environmental audio effects while using proximity chat. If you find yourself in a deep, dark cave, your voice will echo dramatically. And when you take the plunge and dive underwater, your voice will sound muffled, just like the real deal! ��🗣️

Disabling Proximity Chat

Not a fan of proximity chat? No problemo. Here’s how you can turn it off:

  1. Leave Voice Proximity Chat on “Push To Talk.” Don’t change a thing in the settings; keep this option selected.
  2. Stay silent. Simply refrain from pressing that Push To Talk button, and your voice will remain silent and undetectable, unless you feel the urge for some sonic adventures in Sons of the Forest.

And hey, if you prefer peace and quiet above all else, there’s also an option to tweak your voice chat volume in the Audio settings. Set it to zero, and you can guarantee that not a whisper will escape your lips. Shhhh… ��

That’s all you need to know about the fantastic new addition of proximity chat in Sons of the Forest. So, gather your friends, brace yourself for heart-pounding adventures, and immerse yourself in the thrilling multiplayer experience that awaits!

Additional Q&A

Q: Is proximity chat available in both single-player and multiplayer modes?

A: Proximity chat is exclusive to multiplayer modes. It allows you to communicate with other players who are within a certain distance from you in the game.


Q: Can I adjust the volume of other players’ voices during proximity chat?

A: Unfortunately, the volume control for other players’ voices is not available in the current version of the game. However, you can adjust your own voice chat volume in the Audio settings.

Q: Are there any other exciting features in the Sons of the Forest 1.0 update?

A: Absolutely! The 1.0 update brings a wealth of exciting content to Sons of the Forest, including new weapons, enemy types, and even more challenging survival scenarios. Dive into the adventure and discover all the hidden gems for yourself!

Q: How can I stay updated with the latest news and updates for Sons of the Forest?

A: Don’t miss out on the latest news and updates for Sons of the Forest! Stay connected by following the official Sons of the Forest social media channels and checking out their official website. Here are some valuable sources:

Remember, knowledge is power! Share this article with your fellow gamers and spread the word. Together, let’s uncover all the secrets that lie within the extraordinary world of Sons of the Forest!

Reference links:

  1. Sons of the Forest Official Twitter. Source
  2. Sons of the Forest Official Facebook page. Source
  3. Sons of the Forest Official website. Source
  4. Sons of the Forest Game Review. Source
  5. The Best Multiplayer Games in 2022. Source
