Stellaris 기계 시대 확장 발표!

패러독스 인터랙티브가 우주 전략 게임 스텔라의 다음 주요 확장팩인 '머신 에이지'를 발표합니다


Stellaris announces new expansion called The Machine Age featuring cybernetic and synthetic themes.

Paradox Interactive has recently unveiled “The Machine Age,” the highly anticipated expansion for their wildly popular space-faring 4X strategy game, Stellaris. This next major update will delve into the fascinating world of “cybernetic, synthetic, and machine themes,” promising an immersive experience for players when it launches on PC in the second quarter of 2024.

🚀 Prepare to transcend the limitations of biology and embrace the wonders of the machine! 🤖✨

A Time of Technical Glory and Ethical Dilemmas

“Scientists have discovered advanced means to commune with the machine, enabling life to overcome the biological limitations of minds and flesh,” explains Paradox. A new era dawns in the form of The Machine Age, where ambition knows no bounds. However, along with technical glory comes new ethical and social dilemmas that challenge the very essence of life itself.

😱 Unleashed ambition, emerging threats, and a quest to redefine existence—Stellaris is about to get intense! 😮

New Features to Ignite Your Cosmic Adventure

Let’s dive into some of the exciting new features that The Machine Age expansion will introduce to the Stellaris universe. Prepare for a thrilling ride as you explore:

1. Endgame Crisis: Ancient Synthetic Threat

An ancient synthetic threat returns to challenge the dominance of organic life. Will you be able to overcome this monumental crisis and secure the future of your empire? The fate of the galaxy hangs in the balance.

2. Crisis Path: Technological Ascendancy

Embark on a perilous path towards technological ascendancy at any cost. Will you prioritize progress over ethics? The allure of unlimited power awaits those who dare to indulge.

3. Non-Gestalt Machine Empires

Welcome the arrival of non-Gestalt, individualist machine empires. These entities possess distinct personalities and backgrounds, adding depth and storytelling opportunities to your galactic conquests.

4. Machine Ascension Paths

Customize your machine empire even further with three new Machine Ascension Paths. Shape your civilization’s destiny and unleash its true potential!

5. Three New Origins

Choose from three intriguing origins to shape the foundation of your machine empire: – Cybernetic Creed: Worship the holy fusion of body and cybernetics, as your empire embraces the harmony of man and machine. – Synthetic Fertility: Overcome the genetic limitations of reproduction by embracing synthetic means of procreation. – Arc Welders: In a robotic society starved of space, embark on a quest for resources in the vast expanse of the stars.

6. Expanded Features and Enhancements

The Machine Age doesn’t stop there! It comes bundled with a plethora of additional content, including: – New reactive portraits to bring your machine empire to life. – Six new Civics to deepen the strategic possibilities, such as the Guided Sapience, Natural DesGameTopic, and more. – Fresh population traits to further customize your growing civilization. – Two new mid-game structures: the molten Arc Furnace and the powerful Dyson Swarm. – Seven synth-y new music tracks to enhance the atmospheric journey through the cosmos.

💥 Brace yourself for an expansion that will revolutionize the way you experience Stellaris! 💫

The Free Andromeda Update

Alongside The Machine Age expansion, Paradox will also be releasing the free Andromeda update. This update will accompany the expansion, offering additional gameplay enhancements and improvements to further enrich your interstellar adventures. Stay tuned for more details!

🌌 Prepare to embark on an epic cosmic voyage as The Machine Age expansion and the free Andromeda update collide in a dazzling display of gaming excellence! ⚡

Q&A: Exploring the Depths of The Machine Age


  1. Q: Can I play The Machine Age expansion on consoles?
    • A: 현재로서는 The Machine Age 확장팩이 PC 전용으로 출시되고 있습니다. 콘솔 플레이어들은 다른 플랫폼에서의 이용 가능 여부에 대한 추가적인 발표를 기다려야 합니다.
  2. Q: Will there be new achievements to unlock in The Machine Age expansion?
    • A: Paradox는 The Machine Age 확장팩을 위한 새로운 업적이 추가될지 여부를 확인하지 않았습니다. 그러나 확장팩은 종종 새로운 도전과 목표를 소개하는데, 따라서 흥미진진한 마일스톤을 정복할 준비를 해두세요!
  3. Q: Are the new Machine Ascension Paths compatible with previous empire types?
    • A: 네, 새로운 Machine Ascension Paths는 다양한 제국 유형과 원활하게 작동하도록 설계되었습니다. 평화로운 문명이건 무자비한 정복자이건, 이러한 Paths를 통해 다양한 플레이 스타일과 전략을 펼칠 수 있습니다.
  4. Q: Do I need to own any previous expansions to enjoy The Machine Age content?
    • A: The Machine Age 확장팩은 독립적인 업데이트로 즐길 수 있습니다. 일부 기능은 특정 확장팩을 필요로 할 수 있지만, Paradox는 항상 이전 구매 사항에 관계없이 플레이어들이 새로운 콘텐츠에 참여할 수 있도록 보장합니다.
🔗 참고 자료:공식 Stellaris 웹사이트Stellaris – The Machine Age 트레일러패러독스 인터랙티브트위터에서 Stellaris 뉴스를 최신 상태로 유지하세요Reddit에서 Stellaris 커뮤니티에 가입하세요

🌟 The Machine Age 확장팩을 직접 경험하고 싶으신가요? 이 멋진 Stellaris 업데이트에 대해 여러분의 생각을 공유하고 좋아하는 소셜 미디어 플랫폼에서 이 화려한 소식을 전파해보세요! 함께 우주를 정복합시다! ✨✨
