Total War Warhammer 3에서의 스타팅 로드

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6 Toughest Starting Positions for Legendary Lords in Total War Warhammer 3

Total War Warhammer

The Immortal Empires map in Total War: Warhammer 3 is an absolute behemoth. With over 250 independent factions vying for control, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed—especially for some of the playable Legendary Lords who start near fearsome foes or at a distinct disadvantage that will slow them down.

Choosing the Right Starting Location Matters

Starting location can have a significant impact on how quickly factions can establish themselves and become an effective force on the map. It presents a challenge for even experienced players and may prove a tricky test for newcomers to the Total War series.

Completing a campaign with one of these Lords is a worthy challenge for the mightiest generals, and may also be a tricky test for new players who are unfamiliar with the ins and outs of Total War.

🌟 Arkhan The Black 🌟

Being Overextended Becomes A Problem

Arkhan the Black

Arkhan the Black starts his Immortal Empires campaign in the south, near the western coast of the vast desert. This initial positioning allows him to overextend himself at the beginning of the game. However, he quickly finds himself at war with Dwarf war machines, Bretonnian cavalry, and even other Tomb Kings who outshine him in power.

While Arkhan’s starting armies are effective against slow-moving enemies, he often finds himself facing fast and evasive armies with high armor. Moreover, the distance between settlements poses a threat, leaving wide stretches of the starting province undefended if Arkhan ever manages to expand.

🌟 Malagor The Dark Omen 🌟

Sandwiched Between Two Powerful Foes

Malagor The Dark Omen

Malagor leads a Beastmen faction from the Badlands, which means being caught in a maelstrom of armies fighting for dominance in the region. Malagor’s empire works best when raiding and razing for income and aggression. However, this chaotic start forces the Beastmen into a defensive position, where they must eliminate weaker foes one at a time before becoming a formidable force.

While Malagor’s armies are incredible melee combatants, players find themselves sandwiched between two of the most effective melee-focused armies in the game: Skarbrand’s Khorne faction and Wurzag’s Orcs. The long wars of attrition they engage in can often slow down or halt Malagor’s progress entirely. In some cases, it may be best for Malagor to retreat and start anew in a different location.

🌟 Grombrindal The White Dwarf 🌟

Tough To Get Armies Up And Running Quickly

Grombrindal The White Dwarf

Grombrindal, the legendary White Dwarf, is a powerful leader who faces challenges due to his empire’s position in Immortal Empires. He finds himself fighting against Skaven as his primary opponent, but the Dark Elves of Naggarond quickly join the fray. Additionally, Valkia and her Khorne units consistently unleash aggressive attacks, impeding Grombrindal’s ability to build armies quickly and observe a robust economy.


Grombrindal’s faction is one of the most straightforward Dwarf factions to play, with strong backline artillery units that can devastate slower enemies. Unfortunately, his first opponents are much too fast for his armies. Valkia, in particular, is an incredibly powerful lord who can disrupt formations by flying into the player’s backline. Grombrindal’s best chance is to adopt a defensive position until a weaker enemy arises that he can expand into inch by inch.

🌟 Mannfred Von Carstein 🌟

Neighboring Factions Can Counter His Units

Mannfred von Carstein

Mannfred is a lord who possessed greater early-game prowess in previous Total War titles. His starting army is relatively small, and the limited winds of magic in Total War: Warhammer 3 hinder his early-game potential for powerful spells. His starting opponents are likely to give him trouble, especially Volkmar, who begins to the player’s west with an unbreakable army that counters Mannfred’s units that should normally inflict fear.

Volkmar’s army also quickly gains access to flaming attacks that are particularly effective against Mannfred’s undead forces. As Mannfred expands, he will face Dwarfs, Lizardmen, Tomb Kings, and Khorne factions—each of which excels at wiping out frontline infantry. Players face an uphill battle with low armor and low-damage horde units that struggle against highly armored enemies.

🌟 Ku’gath Plaguefather 🌟

Ghorst & Imrik Will Make Gaining Momentum Difficult

Ku’gath Plaguefather

Ku’gath, the Plaguefather, begins his journey in an isolated position. As players emerge, they are quickly opposed by Helman Ghorst—a powerful leader with necromantic abilities that outpace Ku’gath’s army. Additionally, Ghorst’s faction ability negates poison damage, rendering Nurgle’s special skills useless against him.

The next foe likely to join the battle is Imrik, who brings dragons with fire damage, which deals additional harm to Ku’gath due to his regeneration ability. All of these factors slow down a faction struggling to build momentum due to the Nurgle cycle mechanic. The first 25 turns become a slog of slow factions clashing until Ku’gath can force a victory.

🌟 Lord Mazdamundi 🌟

Multiple Fronts Make Solidifying Gains a Hassle

Lord Mazdamundi

Starting with a relatively weak army, Lord Mazdamundi struggles to gain a foothold on the Immortal Empires map. While his starting area may not be particularly crowded, his main opponents are incredibly powerful and ready to strike when he is weak or leaves settlements unguarded. Norsca and Slaanesh will be his first foes, bringing more effective frontline units until the Lizardmen economy starts to flourish. Any expansion only uncovers more enemies, pitting the Lizardmen against Skaven, Orcs, and Dark Elves.

Mazdamundi must choose a front to fight on while enduring heavy losses. If any nearby factions are left unchecked, they will grow in power and snowball, crushing Mazdamundi and his weak starting units before he can recruit more formidable soldiers. If any Empire factions choose to declare war, Mazdamundi can easily be left behind in the race for power, consistently forced to defend and engage in long, drawn-out wars across the map.


Starting location plays a crucial role in Total War: Warhammer 3. While it can be challenging to overcome the difficulties presented by proximity to powerful foes or starting at a disadvantage, skilled players will find these challenges rewarding. Choosing the right Lord and adapting to their unique circumstances will test the mightiest generals and provide an engaging experience for both new and experienced players.



Q: 특별한 이점을 제공하는 시작 위치가 있나요?
A: 네, 일부 시작 위치는 플레이어에게 이점을 제공합니다. 예를 들어, 블랙 크래그에서 그림고어 아이언하이드의 위치는 근처 드워프 세력을 빨리 정복하고 권력을 통합할 수 있도록 해줍니다.

Q: Total War: Warhammer 3의 신규 플레이어를 위한 팁이 있나요?
A: 당신의 세력의 강점과 약점을 알아야 합니다. 당신의 세력과 적의 독특한 메커니즘과 능력을 이해하는 데 시간을 투자해야 합니다. 또한 강력한 경제를 구축하고 균형 잡힌 군대 구성에 집중하는 것은 당신의 성공에 크게 기여할 수 있습니다.

Q: 로드의 시작 위치를 변경할 수 있나요?
A: 아니요, 각 로드의 시작 위치는 미리 결정되어 있으며 게임에서 변경할 수 없습니다. 그러나 다른 시작 위치와 플레이 스타일을 원하는 경우 다른 로드를 선택할 수 있습니다.

참고 문헌:

  1. Total War: Warhammer 3 공식 웹사이트
  2. Total War: Warhammer 3에서 당신의 전설적인 로드를 선택하는 가이드
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  4. Total War: Warhammer 3를 위한 10가지 필수 팁
  5. 플레이어들의 선택 Total War: Warhammer 3 세력 가이드
