발둘의 게이트 3에서 강력한 무기와 갑옷 제작하기 – 아다만탄 광전소

Baldur's Gate 3의 아다만타인 포지에서 게이머들은 특별한 무기와 갑옷을 만들 수 있습니다.


Craft all adamantine items at the Grymforge in Baldur’s Gate 3.

Baldur’s Gate 3

As players journey through the captivating world of Baldur’s Gate 3, they will stumble upon the legendary Adamantine Forge. This hidden treasure holds the key to crafting six exceptional weapons and armor sets. However, the challenge lies in choosing just two of these remarkable items, as the game only provides two precious Mithril Ore. To help you make an informed decision, let’s take a closer look at each of these creations and their unique abilities.

Adamantine Splint Armor: Unyielding Defense

Adamantine Splint Armor
  • Stats:
    • 18 AC
    • Wearer is immune to critical hits.
    • When the wearer is hit, the attacker gains the Reeling debuff for 3 turns.

The Adamantine Splint Armor is a true masterpiece of craftsmanship. Its imposing presence on the battlefield ensures that no enemy blow goes unnoticed. With its exceptional defensive capabilities and the ability to render critical hits ineffective, this heavy plate armor is a force to be reckoned with. Craftable early in Act 2, this armor is a must-have for any melee-focused character.

Adamantine Shield: Guardian of the Frontline

Adamantine Shield
  • Stats:
    • +2 AC
    • Wearer is immune to critical hits.
    • Wearer gains the Shield Bash attack.
    • When a melee attack misses, the attacker gains the Reeling debuff for 2 turns.

The Adamantine Shield is a defender’s dream. Its sturdy construction and powerful enchantments make it the ideal companion for tank-focused characters. When combined with the Splint or Scale armor, the Adamantine Shield becomes even more potent, inflicting a penalty on attackers’ attack rolls. Search for the mold in the Dormitory, and unlock its true potential.

Adamantine Scale Mail: Medium Armor, Imposing Protection

Adamantine Scale Mail
  • Stats:
    • 16 AC
    • Reduces all incoming damage by 1.
    • Wearer is immune to critical hits.
    • When hit by a melee attack, the attacker gains the Reeling debuff for 2 turns.

For those who favor medium armor, the Adamantine Scale Mail offers unparalleled protection. Highly sought after by Clerics and Rangers who find themselves in the heat of battle, this armor reduces damage and renders critical hits ineffective. With its mold conveniently located next to the Waypoint, obtaining the Adamantine Scale Mail is a breeze.

Adamantine Scimitar: Dance of Precision

Adamantine Scimitar
  • Stats:
    • 1d6+1 Slashing damage.
    • +1 Enchantment.
    • Successful attacks apply the Reeling debuff for 1 turn.
    • GameTopicores resistance to Slashing damage.
    • All attacks against objects are critical hits.


The Adamantine Scimitar combines finesse and devastation, making it the perfect weapon for Rogues, Rangers, and Druids skilled in martial combat. Whether used for precise strikes or as part of a dual-wielding technique, this weapon is a versatile companion. Ascend the half-destroyed stairway overlooking Nere’s location to seize the mold and unlock its potential.

Adamantine Longsword: Master of Two-Handed Power

Adamantine Longsword
  • Stats:
    • 1d8+1 Slashing damage (one-handed) / 1d10+1 Slashing damage (two-handed).
    • +1 Enchantment.
    • GameTopicores resistance to Slashing damage.
    • Successful attacks apply the Reeling debuff.
    • Attacks against objects are critical hits.

The Adamantine Longsword is a masterpiece for those who understand the art of wielding a two-handed weapon. This formidable weapon adapts its abilities depending on how it is wielded. One-handed strikes deliver a Reeling debuff, while two-handed strikes extend it further. Discover the mold on the metal bridge between the Ancient Forge Waypoint and Nere’s location to unlock its immense potential.

Adamantine Mace: Unleash the Power of Bludgeoning

Adamantine Mace
  • Stats:
    • 1d6+1 Bludgeoning damage.
    • +1 Enchantment.
    • Successful one-handed attacks apply the Reeling debuff for 1 turn.
    • GameTopicores resistance to Bludgeoning damage.
    • Attacks against objects are critical hits.

The Adamantine Mace offers formidable offhand capabilities for dual-wielders. Although it may not be the primary weapon for damage specialists, healers and characters specialized in defense will find solace in its ability to deter enemies from landing hits. Seeking the mold near the Splint Mail Mold by the Ancient Forge Waypoint will uncover this remarkable mace.

As you venture through the captivating world of Baldur’s Gate 3, the path to the Adamantine Forge beckons. Choose your weapons and armor wisely, for they will be your allies in battles to come. Seek out these hidden treasures, unleash their immense power, and dominate the foes that dare to stand in your way.


Q: Are there any other ways to obtain Mithril Ore in Baldur’s Gate 3? A: Unfortunately, Baldur’s Gate 3 only provides two places to find and mine Mithril Ore. Therefore, utilizing it for crafting decisions must be done wisely. Clerics and Druids, who can benefit greatly from the available options, may find it more worth their while.

Q: Which classes or characters benefit the most from the Adamantine Forge creations? A: The Adamantine Forge creations favor combat classes or characters proficient in heavy armor and wielding martial weapons. Fighters, Paladins, and Barbarians will undoubtedly find tremendous value in these exceptional items. Additionally, Clerics and Rangers seeking enhanced melee capabilities will also benefit greatly from these powerful equipment choices.

Q: What other powerful items should I be on the lookout for in Baldur’s Gate 3? A: Baldur’s Gate 3 is filled with a plethora of enticing treasures waiting to be discovered. From legendary weapons to enchanted accessories, the game offers countless options to enhance your character’s capabilities. Check out this list of 22 Must-Play Games Similar to Baldur’s Gate 3 for more exciting adventures.

Q: How can I further optimize my character’s build in Baldur’s Gate 3? A: Creating a well-rounded and powerful character in Baldur’s Gate 3 requires careful consideration of various factors, such as race, class, abilities, and equipment choices. To optimize your character’s build, explore different combinations, experiment with synergistic abilities, and seek guidance from experienced players or online strategy guides. Remember, the journey is as much about enjoying the process as it is about achieving greatness.


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