베데스다 게임의 6개 미주거 행성, 당신이 거주하지 않아서 운이 좋은 것들!

Bethesda는 놀라운 게임 세계를 만들어냈지만, 그 중 많은 곳은 영원히 끔찍한 곳으로 남을 것이다.


Bethesda 6 Worst Living Worlds

Bethesda is widely recognized for its incredible game worlds. From the vast realms of the Elder Scrolls to the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Fallout, they have created immersive and captivating environments for gamers to explore. However, as amazing as these worlds are for gameplay, you’d be downright miserable if you were actually forced to live there. Let’s take a closer look at six of these horrifying worlds.

6. Starfield Earth: Bleak & Abandoned

Starfield Earth with player character

In Bethesda’s recent release, Starfield, players can explore hundreds of planets, some of which are delightful and beautiful. However, Earth is not one of them. Earth in the 24th Century is a desolate rock, long abandoned by humans. It’s interesting to explore for a short time, witnessing remnants of former monuments, but as a place to live, it would be grim and lonely. You’ll be itching to leave this forsaken planet as quickly as possible.

5. Nirn: Filled With War, Strife & Evil Gods

Tamriel map

Nirn, the primary setting of the Elder Scrolls franchise, is not a forgiving place. Wars and conflicts plague the continent of Tamriel, making life incredibly dangerous. Giants and dragons lurk around every corner, making a simple stroll to the next town a life-threatening adventure. While the idea of living in a pollution-free medieval fantasy world may sound appealing at first, the high possibility of a gruesome end makes it a less than desirable place to call home.

4. Fallout Earth: Nuclear Apocalyptic Wasteland

Fallout 4 wasteland landscape

In the Fallout games, Earth has been ravaged by nuclear war, rendering it near-uninhabitable. Two hundred years after the apocalypse, the world remains an irradiated wasteland filled with mutants, robots, and other dangers. The few people lucky enough to lead semi-normal lives are confined to underground vaults, hiding from the horrors of the surface. While Fallout’s post-apocalyptic world is fascinating to explore, living there would be a nightmare.

3. The Soul Cairn: The Most Desolate World

Soul Cairn Reddit Skyrim Quest Beyond Death Dawnguard

Appearing in Skyrim, the Soul Cairn is a realm of Oblivion where trapped souls end up. Traded and absorbed by the Ideal Masters, these souls become nothing more than husks, wandering in a desolate landscape filled with powerful creatures. While the Soul Cairn may serve as a hideout due to its inaccessibility, living here amongst lost souls and other eerie beings would be a truly terrible fate.

2. Terminator Earth: The Bleak World Of Skynet

The Terminator Future Shock

During the ’90s, Bethesda developed several games set in the Terminator franchise. These games plunged players into a post-apocalyptic, Skynet-controlled version of Earth. The Terminator future we all know and fear is a grim and desolate place, with humanity all but extinct. Needless to say, it wouldn’t be the ideal living situation for any die-hard fans.


1. Freya III: The Scariest Moment In Starfield

Starfield Entangled

Among the thousands of planets in Starfield, none are as terrifying as Freya III during the Entangled mission. In this alternate universe, the Nishina Research Station has been overrun by the native bug species of the planet, resulting in a spine-chilling mission. Freya III itself, with its cataclysmic landscape and inhabitants, would be a grim and terrifying place to call home. The extreme mistreatment of the environment by the native species only adds to the horror.

추가적인 Q&A 콘텐츠:

1. 질문: Bethesda 게임에서 다른 위험한 세계가 있나요? – 대답: 절대로! 엘더 스크롤 시리즈에서는 무시무시하고 위험한 환경으로 유명한 오블리비언 영역, 예를 들어 무서운 환경으로 유명한 Daedric 영역이 존재합니다. 예를 들어 Sheogorath의 Shivering Isles는 이상하고 이세계적인 곳으로 당신을 미치게 할 수 있습니다.

2. 질문: 폴아웃과 유사한 다른 포스트-아포칼립스 게임은 어떤 게 있나요? – 대답: 포스트-아포칼립스 셋팅을 좋아한다면, 4A Games가 개발한 Metro Exodus의 세계를 탐험하는 것이 좋을 것입니다. 이것은 핵전쟁이 일어난 후의 모스크바 폐허에서 벌어지는 어두운 분위기의 게임입니다.

3. 질문: Bethesda 게임에서 친근하고 즐거운 세계가 있나요? – 대답: 절대로 있습니다! 엘더 스크롤 대륙에서는 Summerset Isles나 Skyrim의 Solitude와 같은 곳들이 아름다운 풍경, 활기찬 문화 및 친근한 주민을 제공합니다.

4. 질문: 흥미로운 세계가 있는 다가오는 Bethesda 게임은 어떤 것이 있나요? – 대답: 네! Bethesda가 최근에 기대되는 게임 Starfield를 발표했는데, 거대한 과학 기반 우주를 배경으로 합니다. 아직 모든 세부 사항은 알 수 없지만, 플레이어들이 탐험할 새로운 및 스릴있는 세계를 약속합니다. 그러니 기대하세요!

여기를 클릭하여 Starfield 지구의 공포에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.

발견하세요 Nirn의 Tamriel 대륙의 전쟁터.

폴아웃 시리즈의 포스트-아포칼립스 황폐한 땅을 탐험하십시오.

Skyrim의 흉어로운 영혼의 난적 공간에 대해 알아보세요.

터미네이터 시리즈의 스카이넷의 침울한 세계를 목격하십시오.

Starfield의 가장 무서운 순간을 Freya III에서 경험하세요.

소셜 미디어에서 이 기사를 친구들과 공유해주세요! Bethesda의 세계 중에서 어디에서 살고 싶지 않은가요? 댓글로 알려주세요! 😱🌍🎮🚫

참고 자료: – Bethesda Softworks 공식 웹사이트. https://bethesda.net/ – TheGames.cn. https://www.thegames.cn/
