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둥 지구의 #🌌


An epic franchise with a complex body of lore, the story of Dune encompasses 15,000 years of human history, most of which involves space exploration. According to Frank Herbert, humans visited and colonized many planets throughout the universe, and Arrakis, the planet known as Dune, played a vital role in enabling space travel through its spice production. But beyond Arrakis, there are numerous other planets that are equally significant to the Dune universe, even if they don’t all make appearances in the books. 지금, 10개의 독특한 행성의 비밀을 탐험해 보도록 합시다!

1. 오래된 땅 #🌍

Also known as Earth or simply Terra, this planet is the birthplace of the human race. Most of the great houses in the Dune universe can trace their ancestral roots back to this planet. Old Terra is mentioned in the Dune novels in a peripheral way, highlighting the Greek ancestry of the Atriedes and the Scandinavian roots of the Harkonnen family. It is believed that Old Terra was either lost or destroyed after thousands of years of exploitation.

2. Tleilax #🌌

Tleilax is a lonely and secretive planet named after its main inhabitants, the Bene Tleilax, a religious order. The Bene Tleilax opposed Paul Atreides’ rule and utilized their planet for genetically modified tests, creating beings such as gholas and Face Dancers. However, their plans were often foiled, as seen through the ghola named Hayt, a genetically modified version of Duncan Idaho, whose memories led him astray.

3. Giedi Prime #🌟

Giedi Prime, the headquarters of House Harkonnen, has a captivating history. It was originally a battlefront in the Butlerian Jihad, a conflict that resulted in the planet’s transformation into a heavily industrialized wasteland. After House Atreides defeated the Harkonnens, the planet became known as Gammu and underwent significant rehabilitation efforts.

4. Caladan #🌊

Caladan, known as III Delta Pavonis, is the highland home of the noble House Atreides. The planet is predominantly covered in water, reminiscent of Scotland in terms of its geography and climate. Caladan is famous for its exports of fruits, fine wine, and fish. The transition from Caladan to the harsh desert planet of Dune sets the tone for the first novel in the Dune series.

5. Corrin #🌌

Corrin, the home planet of House Corrino, played a crucial role in the rise of the first Padishah Emperor. The Battle of Corrin resulted in the ascendancy of Emperor Corrino and the exile of Bashar Abulurd Harkonnen. Although House Corrino ruled from the planet Kaitan, Corrin remained an important part of their history, especially during their 10,000-year rule.

6. Salusa Secundus #🏰

Originally considered the home planet of House Corrino, Salusa Secundus later transformed into a prison planet and the training ground for the Emperor’s elite guard, the Sardaukar. After Paul Atreides’ rise to power, he aimed to restore the planet’s natural beauty and make it unsuitable for punishment or military training.

7. Kaitain #🪐

Kaitain, often depicted with graceful rings like a crown, serves as the imperial seat of the known universe in the Dune series. It is a natural paradise that was further enhanced by the imperial court. As part of the League of Nobles, Kaitain had abundant resources and a well-established upper-class society. The Imperial Opal Palace, renowned for its opulence and beauty, stands as a testament to the grandeur of the planet.

8. Chapterhouse #🌺

Chapterhouse, a planet used by the Bene Gesserit as their headquarters, was desGameTopiced with Old Terra in mind. The Bene Gesserit, an ancient order, meticulously hid their presence on the planet and controlled its weather. After the destruction of the original home of the sandworms, the Bene Gesserit transformed Chapterhouse into a desert capable of accommodating the surviving sandworms.


9. Synchrony 🌌

Synchrony is a mysterious planet that witnessed the return of the machine empire. Following their expulsion from Geidi Prime, the legacy of thinking machines continued for centuries on Synchrony. For 10,000 years, humans and machines evolved separately, with no contact until The Scattering. During this period, the Honored Matres stumbled upon one of the machine outposts, reigniting the conflict between machines and humans after a millennium.

10. Arrakis 🌌

Arrakis in Dune

Finally, we come to Arrakis, the iconic planet known as Dune, which provides the series with its name. Arrakis is the planet of spice, where the mystical substance known as melange is found. Melange not only opens the mind but also facilitates space travel. The lore surrounding Arrakis, its treacherous sandworms, and the pursuit of spice is deeply intertwined with the purpose and essence of human life in the Dune universe.

The Dune universe is brimming with fascinating planets, each with its own history, significance, and impact on the story. Whether it’s the birthplace of humanity, the secretive planet of genetic experiments, or the dangerous desert world of Arrakis, every planet adds depth and intrigue to the vast universe created by Frank Herbert.

📚 For more fascinating insights into the Dune universe, check out these related topics:

  1. 🔗 According to Frank Herbert
  2. 🔗 Most of the great houses
  3. 🔗 The Bene Tleilax
  4. 🔗 Giedi Prime’s epic history
  5. 🔗 The Battle of Corrin
  6. 🔗 The Butlerian Jihad
  7. 🔗 The Scattering
  8. 🔗 The sandworms of Arrakis

🗣️ Are you a fan of the Dune series? Which planet intrigues you the most? Share your thoughts in the comments below and let’s discuss! 👇

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