뉴욕 타임스 커넥션 게임의 퍼즐 월을 마스터하기

고양이와 사냥개를 구분하는 데 도움이 필요하다면? 연결 퍼즐을 위한 오늘의 힌트가 여기 있습니다.


NYT Connections Answers and Hints – Feb 21, 2024 Solution #255


Are you ready for a brain-teasing challenge? Look no further than the New York Times Connections game! Every day brings a fresh set of puzzles to solve, and we’re here to help you crack the code.

But wait, don’t worry about losing your streak or being stumped on that last sneaky category. We’ve got your back! In this article, we’ll provide you with valuable hints, even the outright answers, to assist you on your puzzle-solving journey.


Before we dive into the hints, let’s make sure we’re all on the same page. If you accidentally ended up here looking for the answers to the February 20 puzzles, fear not! Simply click here to find what you’re seeking.

🧩 카테고리 힌트 – Enigma 해독

Today’s puzzle requires a little specialist knowledge. To give you a helping hand, we’ll present the hints in the order of easiest to hardest, following the puzzle’s own directive: Yellow, Green, Blue, and finally, Purple.

Feel like you’re ready for today’s category hints? 📌✨ Don’t worry, we won’t spoil the actual category names, but we’ll steer you in the right direction. Simply click below to reveal the clues!

💛 Today’s yellow category is a bit of an annoyance – quite literally.

💚 Keep your ears tuned in for today’s green category with a musical theme.

💙 Dive into the blue category, where all the items share a common feature.

💜 Lastly, explore the purple category, which revolves around well-known phrases starting with the same two words.


Oh, and before we move on, keep an eye out for any herring in the mix. Although there might be a lot of animals surrounding you, don’t let them distract you from the puzzle at hand. It’s all about staying focused! We call it the Herring Watch.

🧩 오늘의 답변 – 모든 것을 통합시키다

If you’re feeling stuck and need a bit of a boost, fear not, intrepid puzzle-solver! We have the answers you seek. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility!

To reveal today’s answers, simply click below. Trust us, they might be quite “out-there.”

🔮 Today’s puzzle has some pretty ‘out-there’ categories. Brace yourself!


Ready to see the magic unfold? Click here and let the answers reveal themselves!

Now, without further ado, here are the answers you’ve been waiting for:

💛 Yellow Category: Pesters

Badgers, Bugs, Hounds, Nags

💚 Green Category: Tony Winners For Best Musical

Annie, Cabaret, Cats, Company

💙 Blue Category: They Have Keys

Computer, Piano, Super, Tests

💜 Purple Category: School of _____

Fish, Hard Knocks, Rock, Thought


Don’t forget, these puzzles are just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to continue exploring the captivating world of Connections, check out these links for more gaming goodness:

  1. Unleash Your Puzzle-Solving Skills
  2. Become a Mastermind in the New York Times Connections Game
  3. How to Maintain Your Winning Streak in Connections
  4. The Art of Hint-Giving in Puzzle Games
  5. Discover the Secrets Behind Puzzle Wall Designs
  6. The Incredible Power of Word Associations in Puzzle Solving
  7. Debunking Common Myths in Puzzle Wall Strategy
  8. Unlocking the Mystery of Pattern Recognition in Puzzle Games



우리와 함께 퍼즐 해결의 세계를 탐험해주셔서 감사합니다! 여러분이 공유하고 싶은 즐겨하는 퍼즐 게임이나 전략이 있나요? 아래 댓글로 알려주세요. 관련 대화에 참여해 주세요. 기사를 소셜 미디어에서 홍보해 주셔서 감사합니다. 다른 퍼즐 팬들이 함께 Connections 게임을 정복할 수 있도록 도와 주세요!

해피 퍼즐링! 🧩✨