페르소나 3 리로드의 소셜 링크 이해 페르소나의 힘 해제하기

몇몇 플레이어들은 소셜링크 결속이 깊어지지 않는 것에 실망할 수도 있지만, Persona 3 Reload에서 간단한 해결책이 있습니다.


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Social Links play a vital role in Persona 3 Reload, allowing you to deepen your relationships with various characters in the game. While they may not grant you special abilities like in other Persona games, Social Links offer something even more valuable: more powerful Personas. Plus, they provide about half of the game’s captivating story through their intriguing cutscenes. But how do you navigate the world of Social Links and ensure your bonds grow strong? Let’s find out.

🆕 왜 결속이 더 강해지지 않을까요?

When you encounter the message “I don’t think our bond will grow any stronger” while progressing through a Social Link, don’t panic. It doesn’t mean you need a special requirement, like a key item or a social stat, to continue. It simply indicates that you haven’t accumulated enough relationship points with that character yet.

Relationship points in Persona 3 Reload are mostly hidden, so it may not be immediately clear how you’re earning them. During ranking events and hangouts, you can see a visual cue indicating the number of points you receive from a specific dialog choice—notes flying out of the character’s head. But remember, points are also gained by spending time with them and holding a Persona that matches their Arcana. So, keep investing time and effort into your relationships, and the next ranking event will trigger when you have enough points.

💡 Pro Tip: You can’t trigger a ranking event with a Social Link character on a Sunday or a day off. Ranking events only occur when you hang out with them on a regular day. It’s all about timing!

❓ 어떻게 결속을 강화할 수 있을까요 (정기 외식 외)?

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While regular hangouts are a reliable way to accumulate relationship points, there are other methods that can give your bonds a significant boost. These alternative activities can help you skip straight to the ranking events and maximize your efficiency. Here’s what you should consider:

Day-off Hangouts

📅 Sundays, holidays, and break days offer a chance to spend time with two or three Social Link characters who invite you to hang out. These outings provide dialog options where two choices reward you with three relationship points each, while the remaining option grants you none. If the character is a possible romance option, you might also have the opportunity to give them a gift for additional points.

Relationship Fortunes at the Shrine

🙏 Visit the shrine to find relationship fortune options that allow you to improve your relationship points with a specific Social Link. When choosing a relationship fortune, you’ll receive two points toward the chosen Social Link, but it will cost you 100 yen. Keep in mind that time will pass, so it’s best to reserve these actions for days off when you have no other plans.

Dating Site Notes

💑 Dating Site Notes are a valuable item that can be obtained from the Suspicious Man in Club Escapade. Although they cost 3,000 yen each, you can purchase as many as you like. These notes can then be used on the Shared Computer in the dorm to boost any Social Link by two points, albeit with a passage of time. The advantage of using Dating Site Notes is that you can utilize them during evenings, which is ideal since Persona 3 Reload only offers two evening Social Links. However, please note that these notes are not available until 11/10, so you’ll need to plan accordingly.

Dorm Hangouts

🏢 If you have Social Links with any of the four SEES members, you can strengthen your bond by hanging out with them in the dorm. Each interaction rewards you with one relationship point, along with the usual items and social stats. However, after unlocking the ability to use Dating Site Notes, it’s more efficient to rely on them instead for increasing points with dorm members.


⚠️ One important distinction from other Persona games is that neither main story cutscenes nor exam results grant relationship points in Persona 3 Reload. Good midterm and final scores will boost your Charm stat, but they won’t affect your Social Links. So, to maximize your progress with Social Links, use your days off to draw relationship fortunes and choose the best responses during ranking events.

🎮🌟 Persona 3 Reload offers an engaging experience where building relationships is key. By understanding how to earn more relationship points and strategically using alternative activities, you can unlock the full potential of your Personas and immerse yourself in this captivating world.

🔗📚 추가 자료:페르소나 3 리로드에서 소셜 링크를 최대로 활용하는 방법페르소나 3 리로드의 공용 컴퓨터 안내페르소나 3 리로드에서 소셜 링크를 순위 10까지 끌어올리는 팁페르소나 3 리로드의 데이트 장면에서 성공하는 방법페르소나 세계 탐험: 초보자 가이드비디오 게임에서의 소셜 메카닉 이해

🕹️🤝 페르소나 3 리로드의 소셜 링크의 힘을 경험해 보셨나요? 아래 댓글에서 귀하의 생각과 전략을 공유해 주세요! 소셜 미디어에서 우리와 연락을 취하고 이 멋진 게임에 대한 소식을 퍼뜨려 보세요. #Persona3Reload #SocialLinks #UnlockThePower
