심즈 4를 위한 가장 즐거운 확장팩 코티지 라이프 🏡🐓🥧

Sims 4 코티지 라이빙에서 핀치윅 페어를 지배하기 위한 기술 탐구


심즈 4 코티지 라이프 – 빌리지 페어 리본 컬렉션 가이드

If you’ve ever dreamt of your Sims living a simple life in a tranquil countryside, then look no further than The Sims 4: Cottage Living expansion pack. This delightful addition allows you to build your dream cottage, cultivate a variety of crops and plants, and even raise adorable farm animals like chickens and cows. 🌽🌻🐄

But that’s not all – Cottage Living brings yet another exciting feature: the Village Fair Ribbons Collection. This seemingly small collection is actually a massive showcase of your Sim’s talent and achievements. So, how do you get those coveted ribbons? Let’s find out! 👑

🌟 빌리지 페어 리본 획득 방법 🌟

To earn a Village Fair Ribbon, your Sim must win first place in the weekly Finchwick Fair, which takes place every Saturday from 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM in Henford-on-Bagley. There are nine different competitions you need to win, including Chicken, Cow, Egg, Garden, Llama, Milk, Oversized Crop, Pie, and Wool.

To enter the fair, make sure to bring the corresponding item for the competition by placing it in your inventory and head to the Gnome’s Arms Pub where the fair is held. Click on any stand, choose “Submit Entry,” and select the item from your inventory. If your entry is of high quality, you’ll walk away with that coveted first-place ribbon! 🏆

Keep an eye on the calendar to know which fair is upcoming, making it easier for you to prepare your entry. Just click on the Saturday that’s drawing near, and you’ll get a glimpse of the competition type. 🗓️

🥚🥛🧶 닭, 소, 라마로 빌리지 페어에서 우승하는 방법 🥚🥛🧶

When it comes to winning competitions involving animals, taking good care of them is crucial. Make sure your animals are groomed, well-fed, and well-socialized. Click on them or their housing (chicken coop or barn) to feed them, bathe them, and interact with them. Additionally, don’t forget to keep their habitats clean to prevent any “dirty” surprises. 💩

The quality of the products you get from your animals, such as eggs, milk, and wool, depends on their well-being. Happy and healthy livestock will provide you with better quality items to harvest. So take good care of them, and they’ll reward you with top-notch produce. 🥚🥛🧶

You can also use special animal treats to get different types of wool, eggs, and milk. While using these treats won’t guarantee a first-place win, they can certainly boost your chances if the items are of good quality. Treats like Chocolatey Treats, Flirty Treats, Fruity Treats, and more can lead to some unique and delightful outcomes. 🍫🍓🍒

🌱🌽🍎 가든과 초과 크기의 작물로 빌리지 페어에서 우승하는 방법 🌱🌽🍎

Just like animals, crops play a crucial role in securing that first-place ribbon at the Finchwick Fair. Your plants’ quality matters, so make sure to water, weed, and fertilize them diligently. By improving your Gardening skill level, you’ll have higher quality plants to enter in the fair. Take care of your garden daily to improve your skill and have a better chance of winning. 🌱🌷🚿

When it comes to pies, nothing beats a high-quality masterpiece. Sims with a high Baking skill level have a higher chance of baking superior pies. To further enhance the quality, use fresh ingredients from your garden or purchase them from food vendors. Nothing beats the taste of a pie made with farm-fresh ingredients! 🥧🍎🌽

🏆💫 빌리지 페어 리본 컬렉션의 모든 리본 💫🏆

To complete the Village Fair Ribbons Collection, you must win first place in all nine competitions. Each ribbon has its own rarity and value, ranging from Chicken Competition Ribbon to Wool Competition Ribbon. They’re not just tokens of victory, but also valuable items in your Sim’s collection that will surely impress fellow players. 💎💰


If you don’t snag that top spot, don’t fret! Winning second, third, or even participation ribbons can still add to your collection. They will appear as bonus ribbons and can be found in the household collections menu. First-place ribbons are red, second-place ribbons are blue, third-place ribbons are yellow, and participation ribbons are white. 🎀🌈

So, grab your overalls, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to conquer the Village Fair in The Sims 4: Cottage Living! It’s time for your Sims to show off their skills, collect those ribbons, and proudly display their successes on the farmhouse wall. Let the joyous festivities begin! 🎉🐔🐄

🌐 참고 목록:

  1. The Sims 4: Cottage Living (공식 사이트)
  2. The Sims 4: Cottage Living에서 리본 획득하기 가이드
  3. The Sims 4: Cottage Living – 닭 돌보기 가이드
  4. The Sims 4: Cottage Living – 소 돌보기 가이드
  5. The Sims 4: Cottage Living – 낙타 돌보기 – 마을 축제에서 라마로 승리하는 법

👉📢 이 흥미로운 소식을 혼자만 알고 있지 마세요! 이 기사를 동료 심머들과 공유하여 The Sims 4: Cottage Living에서 마을 축제 리본을 얻는 비밀을 공유하세요. 모두 행복한 농사일을 즐기세요! 🌾🐓🥧

🗣️ 이제 순서는 당신들 심머들에게 돌아갑니다! The Sims 4: Cottage Living에서 어떤 마을 축제 리본을 획득했나요? 아래 댓글에서 귀하의 팁과 속임수를 공유해 주세요! 저희 심의 성공을 함께 축하합시다. 👏💬

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