Sony 소유 스튜디오 Firesprite 비난 받다 크런치, 유해한 직장 문화 등의 혐의

Sony의 장애인 해고 이후, Firesprite, Sony 소유의 스튜디오에 대한 심각한 비난이 제기된 새로운 보고서 발표


Report Sony-owned developer Firesprite experienced a ‘toxic culture’.

In the wake of Sony’s devastating round of layoffs that will see 900 staff members let go from the PlayStation business [^1^], troubling reports have emerged about Firesprite, a studio owned by Sony. According to Eurogamer, the Liverpool-based studio has been plagued by crunch, high-profile departures, and a toxic workplace culture [^2^]. One source even described Firesprite’s situation as “death by a thousand cuts.”

Sony has yet to comment on these allegations, but GameTopic has reached out to the company for a response [^2^]. The timing couldn’t be worse for Firesprite, as Sony had recently acquired the studio in 2021 after it had developed several PlayStation games, including The Playroom, Run Sackboy! Run!, and the PSVR game The Persistence [^3^]. Firesprite went on to work on the PSVR2 launch title, Horizon Call of the Mountain, under the supervision of Guerrilla Games, the custodian of Horizon [^3^].

Unfortunately, Firesprite was not immune to the recent wave of Sony layoffs and suffered undisclosed staff cuts. Reports also suggest that a live-service game based on the popular Twisted Metal franchise, on which Firesprite was working, was canceled [^4^]. Despite these setbacks, Firesprite is continuing its work on a PlayStation game codenamed Project Heartbreak.

The impact of Sony’s layoffs extends beyond Firesprite. Sony’s London studio is set to close entirely, indicating the cancellation of their in-development PlayStation 5 game. Other acclaimed studios like Naughty Dog, Guerrilla, and Insomniac, known for their work on The Last of Us, Horizon, and Spider-Man respectively, have also been affected by the cuts [^4^]. However, there is a glimmer of hope for Guerrilla’s fans, as Bloomberg reporter Jason Schreier reports that their upcoming Horizon Online game survived the cull [^4^].

It is worth mentioning that these layoffs come at a time when the gaming industry is grappling with significant challenges. Throughout 2023 and into 2024, mass layoffs have been prevalent, with Microsoft axing 1,900 staff following the acquisition of Activision Blizzard for a staggering $69 billion [^5^]. GameTopic had the opportunity to speak with developers about these layoffs, shedding light on the factors contributing to this unsettling trend [^5^].

Q&A: Addressing Reader Concerns

Q: Are there any specific details about Firesprite’s crunch or toxic work culture?

A: While specific details regarding Firesprite’s crunch and toxic work culture are not provided in the report, the allegations underline the challenges faced by the studio. The source’s comment of “death by a thousand cuts” indicates an accumulation of issues over time, resulting in a negative work environment.

Q: What impact will the cancellation of the Twisted Metal live-service game have on Firesprite?

A: The cancellation of the Twisted Metal live-service game is undoubtedly a setback for Firesprite. It is an unfortunate outcome for the studio and could potentially impact their future projects and financial stability. However, Firesprite continues to persevere with their work on Project Heartbreak.

Q: Has Firesprite made any official statements regarding the allegations?

A: As of now, Firesprite has not issued any official statements regarding the allegations. Sony has yet to comment as well, leaving room for further clarification of the situation.

Q: How will Sony’s layoffs affect the gaming industry as a whole?

A: Sony’s layoffs, along with other industry-wide staff reductions, reflect the challenging times the gaming industry is facing. These layoffs inevitably impact the affected studios’ operations, projects, and the individuals losing their jobs. The long-term consequences on game development and industry dynamics remain to be seen.

Q: What can we expect from Guerrilla’s upcoming Horizon Online game?

A: While details about Guerrilla’s Horizon Online game are limited, fans of the Horizon franchise can anticipate exciting multiplayer experiences, further exploration of the game’s captivating world, and possibly the opportunity to engage with other players in collaborative or competitive gameplay.

Reference List

  1. Sony’s devastating round of layoffs –
  2. Eurogamer report on Firesprite’s workplace culture – Eurogamer
  3. Sony’s acquisition of Firesprite in 2021 – GameTopic
  4. Reports of cancellation of Twisted Metal live-service game –
  5. Microsoft’s layoffs after acquiring Activision Blizzard –
  6. GameTopic’s interview with developers about industry layoffs – GameTopic


이제 Firesprite의 문제 상황과 Sony의 대규모 감축이 미친 영향에 대해 알게 되었습니다. 동료 게이머들과 이 기사를 소셜 미디어에서 공유하는 것을 잊지 마세요. 이 어려운 시기 동안 게임 산업의 재능 있는 개인들을 지원하고 인식을 확산합시다! 😊🎮

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