소니인수 스튜디오 Firesprite, 독성 직장 문화와 고신고프로필 인사원들의 이탈로 직면 🎮😱

소니의 매수한 스튜디오 파이어스프라이트는 최근 독점적인 근로환경에 관한 주장으로 인한 일련의 유명 인사의 이탈에 직면하고 있습니다, ...


Sony’s Firesprite studio losing staff due to claims of toxic work environment

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Sony-acquired studio Firesprite has recently faced turbulent times, with high profile exits and allegations of a toxic workplace culture. As part of an investigation into the studio, Eurogamer has uncovered some alarming details. Let’s dive in and uncover what went wrong at Firesprite, and what the future might hold for the company.

A “Death by a Thousand Cuts” 💔

After being acquired by Sony in 2021, Firesprite released PlayStation VR2 launch title Horizon Call of the Mountain. However, the release of the game, combined with changes in leadership, led to discontent within the studio. Staff members describe the situation as “death by a thousand cuts.”

Accusations of Sexual Discrimination and Ageism 💔🕵️‍♂️

The most troubling revelations come from reports that two senior leaders from Sony support studio XDev, brought in to help lead Firesprite, have been accused of sexual discrimination and ageism. An internal investigation by Sony concluded that these claims were a “misunderstanding.” However, the situation has caused a considerable amount of unrest within the studio.

Layoffs and Devastating Impact 😢

Firesprite was not spared from the mass layoffs announced by Sony, with approximately 900 employees, or eight percent of Sony Interactive Entertainment (SIE) workforce, losing their jobs. The studio’s live service Twisted Metal project was canceled, and another high profile game in a Sony franchise was also affected.

A “Culture of Fear” and “Toxic Bullying” 🙅‍♂️👿

Public employee reviews on Glassdoor paint a grim picture of Firesprite’s workplace, with descriptions of “horrendous” studio heads who only care about money, leading to a “toxic, bullying culture.” However, some reviews mention a positive side, stating that the studio was re-molded by Sony, which “ruffled many feathers.”

Inside Sources Speak Out 🗣️

Eurogamer interviewed several sources close to the company, with the promise of anonymity, to understand the root causes of the discontent. The sources mentioned that while some believed changes were necessary after Sony’s takeover, others felt that the corporate view had altered the company culture significantly. The result was a very different Firesprite from what it was before the acquisition.

Leadership Changes and Accusations of Nepotism 👨‍💼📈

Major leadership changes occurred at Firesprite, with new leaders brought in from Sony support studio XDev. However, some individuals described this as “classic nepotism,” as the new bosses were perceived to be either inexperienced or holding different values than Firesprite’s original founders. This led to a breakdown of trust and a toxic work environment.

An internal investigation into the workplace accusations took place, but Sony dismissed the complaints as a “misunderstanding.” However, some individuals involved in the claims explored legal options, resulting in financial settlements from Sony.

Staff Frustration and Company Culture 🤷‍♂️😖

Firesprite employees experienced a significant shift in company culture after Sony’s acquisition. Creative decisions were dumped on teams without sympathy or consideration, and complaints were met with denial. The studio’s once-positive environment deteriorated, leaving staff feeling unsupported and disillusioned.

Calls for Change and Reevaluation 🗳️✍️

To restore Firesprite’s reputation and prevent further damage, sources suggest that leadership revisit the studio’s principles, listen to staff concerns, and rebuild the culture. Additionally, seeking fresh perspectives from outside of Sony may help bring new ideas and approaches to the studio.


Long-Term Impact and Lessons Learned 🎮📖

Firesprite’s situation reflects the wider struggle faced by the gaming industry, with layoffs becoming all too common. The fallout from these events may impact the long-term reputation of both the studio and PlayStation itself. It is crucial for companies to prioritize open communication, transparency, and support for their employees.

🎮🔥 Despite the challenges, Firesprite has the opportunity to rebuild and create a positive work environment that fosters creativity and innovation. Let’s hope they take the necessary steps to overcome these obstacles and create amazing games once again. ❤️💪

Q&A: What Readers Want to Know About Firesprite

Q: How does Firesprite’s situation compare to other layoffs in the gaming industry? A: Firesprite’s situation reflects the wider trend of layoffs in the gaming industry. The industry has been facing significant challenges, and many studios have had to make difficult decisions. However, Firesprite’s alleged toxic workplace culture adds another layer of concern.

Q: Will Firesprite be able to complete its ongoing projects? A: The future of Firesprite’s ongoing projects remains uncertain. The studio has suffered significant setbacks due to the recent layoffs and internal issues. However, with the right changes and support, it is possible for the company to bounce back and continue delivering great games.

Q: What can we learn from Firesprite’s situation? A: Firesprite’s situation highlights the importance of maintaining a positive and inclusive workplace culture, even during times of change and transition. It is crucial for companies to listen to their employees, address their concerns, and prioritize their well-being. Trust and communication are key to success.


  1. Mass Layoffs Across Sony Interactive Entertainment
  2. PlayStation’s Sadly-Shuttered Studio Liverpool
  3. Layoffs Across the Wider Industry

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