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🏆 The Definitive Civilization 6 Tier List: Leading Your Way to Victory! 🎖️

If you’re a fan of Sid Meier’s Civilization 6, you know that choosing the right leader can make all the difference in your quest for global domination. With so many leaders to choose from, it can be overwhelming to determine who is truly the cream of the crop. But fear not, dear gamer! We have meticulously analyzed all the leaders and compiled the ultimate tier list for Civilization 6.

S-Tier: Top Five 👑

Amanitore, Yongle, Jayavarman, Victoria, and Abraham Lincoln in Civilization 6

The S-Tier is reserved for only the five best leaders in the game. These historical personalities are the crème de la crème, excelling in their specialties and then some! In alphabetical order, they are:

Abraham Lincoln – America 🎩

Honest Abe transforms America into a formidable military machine. With Industrial Zones that churn out state-of-the-art melee units every time they get a new building, Lincoln has the ability to win nearly any war he chooses. If you’re aiming for a Domination Victory, Lincoln is your man.

Amanitore – Nubia 👸

The Queen of Nubia is the go-to leader if you love meticulously planning your cities. Nubian Pyramids can generate incredible tile bonuses if the surrounding area is developed correctly, making Nubia a popular choice. Amanitore’s Pitati Archer also provides excellent early defense against pesky Barbarians.

Jayavarman – Khmer 🏙️

Jayavarman is the master of feeding his people. With his ability to build enormous, populous cities bolstered by his Religion, he surpasses other faith-focused leaders. The Khmer Domrey, a mid-game unit, allows Jayavarman to conquer or protect territory as he sees fit. Expect him to be a force to be reckoned with on the Deity difficulty!

Victoria (Age of Steam) – England 🚢

Production is key in Civilization 6, and Victoria excels at it. As long as her population keeps growing, she can quickly build anything and everything she needs. When in doubt, go with the Queen.

Yongle – China 🍜

Food is vital, and production is even more important. Yongle’s Lijia ability allows him to build a juggernaut of an economy on the backs of large cities. Although his economy takes a little longer to get going compared to other S-tier leaders, once it does, watch out!

A-Tier: Great 🌟

Saladin, Seondeok, Basil, Eleanor, and Tokugawa in Civilization 6

The A-Tier leaders may not quite reach the S-Tier, but they are still incredibly powerful, capable of winning games reliably. These leaders adapt well to either a flexible approach or a focused strategy on a single Victory Condition.

Basil 🏛️

Basil, the Byzantine Emperor, plays similarly to Lincoln but with a heavy focus on religion. He mass-produces cavalry units instead of infantry, making him more suited to decisive battles rather than city sieges. Basil’s Taxis ability requires an aggressive playstyle inclined towards Domination or Religious Victory.

Eleanor Of Aquitaine – England and France 🌹

Eleanor is one of only three leaders in Civilization 6 who can lead two different civilizations. Surprisingly, she can make full use of two distinct playstyles. Using Loyalty Pressure, she can convince enemy cities to switch sides without firing a single shot. For maximum effectiveness, enable Secret Societies and embrace the Voidsingers’ Cultist unit to steal cities.


Elizabeth – England 🏴

Elizabeth is a fantastic all-round leader, thanks to her exceptional economy. If you find yourself on a naval map, her powerful navy ensures the safety of her lands. After all, gold is the ultimate problem-solver in Civ 6, and Elizabeth’s Royal Navy Dockyards guarantee a healthy supply of it.

Hammurabi – Babylon 🌃

If you’re tired of waiting for critical technologies to finish, give Hammurabi a try. He can instantly complete any technology just by achieving its Eureka moment, even if he has yet to research the prerequisites. This unique ability allows him to zip down the tech tree faster than any other leader. In the late game, Hammurabi relies on spies to steal tech boosts from other civilizations, ensuring his continued dominance.

Hojo Tokimune and Tokugawa – Japan 🌸

Japan is one of the most beginner-friendly civilizations, thanks to their Meiji Restoration ability. It rewards players for grouping their districts together, increasing their adjacency bonuses. Hojo, as the default leader for Japan, is an excellent choice for beginners. His Divine Wind ability can turn the tide in naval battles. Alternatively, choose Tokugawa for a flourishing internal economy without interference from other civilizations.

Saladin (Vizier) – Arabia 🕌

Arabia’s standout feature is “The Last Prophet,” which guarantees the founding of a religion. This is especially useful for players adjusting to higher difficulty settings, as the AI is often ruthless about snatching up Great Prophets. Saladin’s Vizier persona makes the best use of Arabia’s awe-inspiring faith output, uniquely combining faith and science.

Sejong and Seondeok – Korea 🌍

If you’re set on achieving a Science Victory, look no further than Korea. Their Seowon and Three Kingdoms abilities allow them to quickly establish a colossal science output that exponentially grows as the game progresses. Whether you choose Sejong for substantial culture bonuses or Seondeok to maximize high-level governors in a few cities, Korea will always be at the forefront of the Space Race.

Sundiata Keita – Mali 💰

Sundiata’s unique gameplay turns Great Works of Writing into a resource. They not only produce culture but also generate gold and production in his empire. Mali is already an impressive gold producer, and Sundiata’s ability to hire Great Writers with gold further enhances their economy. With jaw-dropping efficiency, Mali can build and grow at an astonishing rate.

Wilhelmina – Netherlands 🇳🇱

Often seen as a gold-focused faction, the Dutch possess nearly as much city-building prowess as Nubia or Japan. Wilhelmina thrives on extracting maximum value from international trade routes. With huge adjacency bonuses from rivers and cheaper dams, the Netherlands can generate more electricity from hydroelectric power. They are also well-prepared for rising sea levels, quickly erecting flood barriers to protect their cities.

B-Tier: Good 🎯

Nzinga Mbande, Kublai Khan, Dido, Menelik, and Gitarja in Civilization 6

The B-tier leaders encompass the bulk of Civilization 6’s leaders. While they may not possess the same wow-factor as the S- and A-tier leaders, they are still powerful and capable of securing victories.

  • Ambiorix – Gauls
  • Ba Trieu – Vietnam
  • Dido – Phoenicia
  • Frederick Barbarossa – Germany
  • Gitarja – Indonesia
  • Gorgo – Greece
  • John Curtin – Australia
  • Julius Caesar – Rome
  • Kristina – Sweden
  • Kublai Khan – China and Mongolia
  • Lady Six Sky – Maya
  • Ludwig – Germany
  • Mansa Musa – Mali
  • Menelik – Ethiopia
  • Nader Shah – Persia
  • Nzinga Mbande – Kongo
  • Pachacuti – Inca
  • Pericles – Greece
  • Peter – Russia
  • Saladin (Sultan) – Arabia
  • Shaka – Zulu
  • Simon Bolivar – Gran Colombia
  • Suleiman (Lawgiver) – Ottoman Empire
  • Suleiman (Magnificent) – Ottoman Empire
  • Teddy Roosevelt (Bull Moose) – America
  • Theodora – Byzantium
  • Victoria (Age of Empire) – England
  • Wilfrid Laurier – Canada


C-Tier: Mediocre ❌

Trajan, Cleopatra, Chandragupta, Jadwiga, and Qin Shi Huang in Civilization 6

The C-tier leaders may not be the best choices if you’re aiming for a high-powered game, but don’t discount them entirely. With skilled play and strategic planning, you can still emerge victorious.

  • Alexander – Macedon
  • Catherine de Medici (Magnificence) – France
  • Chandragupta – India
  • Cleopatra (Egyptian) – Egypt
  • Cleopatra (Ptolemaic) – Egypt
  • Cyrus – Persia
  • Genghis Khan – Mongolia
  • Jadwiga – Poland
  • Joao – Portugal
  • Kupe – Maori
  • Lautaro – Mapuche
  • Matthias Corvinus – Hungary
  • Pedro – Brazil
  • Poundmaker – Cree
  • Qin Shi Huang (Mandate Of Heaven) – China
  • Ramses – Egypt
  • Teddy Roosevelt (Rough Rider) – America
  • Trajan – Rome
  • Wu Zetian – China

D-Tier: Not So Good 🚫

Gilgamesh, Montezuma, Robert the Bruce, Philip, and Gandhi in Civilization 6

The D-tier leaders are not recommended unless you’re seeking a specific challenge or achievement. While they may not be the most powerful options, with strategic gameplay, they can still offer an entertaining experience.

  • Gandhi – India
  • Gilgamesh – Sumeria
  • Harald Hardrada (Last Viking King) – Norway
  • Montezuma – Aztec
  • Philip – Spain
  • Qin Shi Huang (Unifier) – China
  • Robert The Bruce – Scotland

F-Tier: Bottom Five ❌❌

Catherine de Medici, Mvemba a Nzinga, Tamar, Harald, and Tomyris in Civilization 6

Lastly, the F-tier consists of leaders that should generally be avoided due to underwhelming abilities or ineffective strategies.

  • Catherine de Medici (Black Queen) – France
  • Harald Hardrada (Varangian) – Norway
  • Mvemba a Nzinga – Kongo
  • Tamar – Georgia
  • Tomyris – Scythia

Q&A: The Burning Questions 🔥

Q: Are there any DLCs or expansions that significantly change the balance of the game?
A: Absolutely! Civilization 6 has received expansions and DLCs that introduce new leaders, civilizations, and gameplay features. These additions can significantly impact the tier list, so it’s always essential to stay up to date with the latest updates and expansions.

Q: Are there any leaders that excel in a specific victory condition?
A: Yes, different leaders have unique abilities that make them more adept at certain victory conditions. For example, Abraham Lincoln is ideal for Domination Victory, while Korea’s Sejong and Seondeok are perfect for Science Victory. Be sure to consider each leader’s strengths and playstyle when considering your desired victory condition.


Q: Are there any leaders best suited for beginners?
A: Indeed, some leaders are more beginner-friendly due to their straightforward abilities and playstyles. Japan, led by Hojo Tokimune, offers a great balance of economic advantages and naval combat prowess. Playing as England, led by Victoria (Age of Steam), is also a solid choice for beginners due to their focus on production and ease of city-building.

Q: Is there a leader that excels in diplomacy and alliance-building?
A: Yes, there are leaders who shine in diplomacy and alliance-building. Wilhelmina of the Netherlands leverages international trade routes to extract maximum value and foster strong relationships with other civilizations. Canada, led by Wilfrid Laurier, is another great option, as they benefit from diplomatic bonuses and can maintain peaceful relationships with ease.

Q: What is the best strategy for leaders in the lower tiers?
A: Leaders in lower tiers may require more strategic play and planning to compete with higher-tiered opponents. Instead of relying solely on their unique abilities, focus on developing a well-rounded strategy that leverages the civilization’s strengths while mitigating their weaknesses. Adaptability and careful planning are key.

결론 및 지식 공유 📚

And there you have it, the definitive Civilization 6 tier list! Choosing the right leader can give you a tremendous advantage in your quest for world domination. Remember, balance is everything, and playing to a leader’s strengths can significantly increase your chances of victory.

Do you agree with our tier list? Which leaders have you found the most success with? Share your thoughts and strategies in the comments below! And be sure to share this article with your fellow Civilization 6 enthusiasts on social media. Let’s conquer the world together, one leader at a time! 🌍✨


Recommended Reading:

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