SAG-AFTRA 비디오 게임 파업 임박 AI 대적 전투 시작

SAG-AFTRA 회원들은게임 회사들과의 실패한 협상으로 파업을 시작할 것으로 예상됩니다...


SAG-AFTRA considers striking due to AI terms in video game contract.

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Are you ready for some action? Well, the gaming industry might be in for some serious turbulence as the possibility of a strike by members of the Screen Actors Guild-American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) looms large. Negotiations have broken down between the union and game companies, and if things don’t improve, we could see our favorite voice actors picketing instead of performing.

AI Becomes the Battlefield

During a recent Q&A session at the SXSW in Austin, Texas, SAG-AFTRA’s national executive director and chief negotiator, Duncan Crabtree-Ireland, hinted at the impending strike. According to him, the chances of a strike occurring in the next four to six weeks are “50-50, or more likely than that.” The union had already voted overwhelmingly in favor of a strike back in September 2023, focusing on the need to update the Interactive Media Agreement, which covers union members’ work in games. Notably, the issue of AI was at the forefront of those discussions and remains a sticking point.

AI is the key concern for SAG-AFTRA, as members feel their safety and rights are at stake. Crabtree-Ireland stressed the importance of putting humans first and ensuring that AI serves as a tool for augmenting production, not replacing people. The union also aims to secure consent and compensation for members whose work is utilized by AI engines. “We don’t want to go on strike, but we’re not going to make deals with these companies that don’t protect our members from abusive and exploitative uses of AI,” Crabtree-Ireland concluded.

But what exactly is the issue here? Well, voice actors are worried about their jobs being taken over by AI entities. Imagine a world where the legendary Solid Snake is replaced by an emotionless, monotone voice generated by an algorithm. It’s like playing Metal Gear Solid without the soul of David Hayter. Or Commander Shepard from Mass Effect voiced by a robotic imposter instead of the talented Jennifer Hale. It just wouldn’t be the same, would it?

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Q&A: Answering Your Burning Questions

Now, let’s address some questions you may have about this looming strike and the battle against AI:

Q: What is the Interactive Media Agreement?

The Interactive Media Agreement is a contract that regulates the working conditions and compensation for SAG-AFTRA members in the gaming industry. It covers various aspects, including voice acting, motion capture, and other performance-related work.

Q: Why are voice actors concerned about AI?

Voice actors fear that advancements in AI technology could lead to their roles being replaced by digital replicas. They worry that the authenticity and emotions they bring to characters may be lost, resulting in a less immersive gaming experience.

Q: What is SAG-AFTRA fighting for?

SAG-AFTRA is striving to ensure that AI implementation is done in a way that puts human interests first. They want proper consent and fair compensation for union members whose work is utilized by AI engines. The union aims to protect its members from potential abuses and exploitative practices.

Q: Which game companies will be affected by the strike?

If the strike does happen, it could have a significant impact on various game companies, including Activision, Blindlight, Disney Character Voices International, EA, Formosa Interactive, Insomniac Games, Take 2 Productions, VoiceWorks Productions, and Warner Bros. Games.

Q: What do voice actors think about AI?

Opinions among voice actors are divided. Some, like Troy Baker from The Last of Us, are more positive about AI and its potential benefits. However, others, such as Jane Perry from Returnal, remain skeptical and worry about the potential negative impact on the art of voice acting.


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결론: 우리 목소리 배우들은 우리의 지원이 필요합니다

인공 지능 기술이 게임 산업을 혁신할 잠재력은 부인할 수 없지만, 우리는 이를 책임있고 예의 바르게 사용해야 합니다. 목소리 배우들은 우리가 사랑하는 게임 캐릭터에 생명과 개성을 불어넣어주는데, 그들이 기여한 만큼 적절하게 보호되고 보상받을 수 있어야 합니다.

게이머로서 우리가 경험을 즐겁게 만들어주는 재능있는 목소리 배우들에게 지지를 보여주시죠. 이 기사를 공유하고 대화에 참여하며, 즐겨하는 캐릭터 뒤의 배우들이 중요하다는 것을 게임 회사들에게 알려주세요.

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