월드 오브 워크래프트에서 팔라딘이 되는 데 필요한 비서된 규칙들

신성한 빛의 헌신적인 추종자로서 순수한 자들의 보호자로서, 월드 오브 워크래프트의 충직한 성기사들은 준수해야 할 정책들을 가지고 있습니다.


Understanding the Unspoken Rules of Playing a Paladin in World of Warcraft


Among the classes of World of Warcraft, the Paladin has been both a divisive and popular choice for players across the game’s two decades. Naturally gifted with the power to call on the Holy Light to heal wounds, protect themselves and their allies from harm, and smite their foes with fierce retribution, the stalwart Paladins of World of Warcraft are known for their skill in battle and their unwavering devotion to the Light that empowers them.

Though the Paladin was one of the first classes in World of Warcraft, it was once exclusive to Alliance players. Over several years and expansions, the ranks of the Paladin grew across both the Alliance and the Horde, but the light-swinging class still retained its roots in cities such as Stormwind and Ironforge. The Paladin’s unwavering conviction in the face of danger, coupled with their flexibility in their specializations, is further tempered by the rules that both Paladins and WoW players in general should abide by.

Embrace The Flexibility And Utility Of The Paladin

With each specialization granting the Paladin the ability to play each role in any dungeon or raid, the Paladin is among the most versatile classes in World of Warcraft, in both Dragonflight and all Classic modes such as Season of Discovery. Though it is often hindered by the “hybrid tax” that can hinder the raw damage output that Paladins can output, especially those that chose the Retribution damage specialization, the Paladin also has plenty of cooldowns and spells that can turn the tide of a battle. This extended further into the specializations and the talent trees that Paladins have across all game modes.

Historically, Paladins have had access to fewer weapons than other melee-focused classes but can wear plate armor and access a variety of swords, maces, hammers, and other weapons that require the right skill and proficiency to wield. However, some of the game’s most iconic weapons, such as Shadowmourne and Fyr’alath the Dreamrender, have been utilized by Paladins to augment their damage even further. While the aforementioned Legendary weapons are only obtainable at the end of their respective expansions, the sheer power they hold makes them among the best weapons a damage-focused Paladin can wield.

On the Classic side of things, the Paladin can also discover runes that can grant them spells and abilities from expansions that came long after the Classic Era. Some of these runes and engravings grant spells that have become Paladin staples, such as Crusader Strike, Avenger’s Shield, and Beacon of Light. With the second phase of Season of Discovery now underway in World of Warcraft Classic, Paladins should go and seek out these runes.

The War Within Will Only Give Paladins More Opportunities

In the upcoming expansion The War Within, the Paladin will have access to three Hero Talent trees, called the Lightsmith, the Templar, and the Herald of the Sun. While the Lightsmith has been confirmed to be available for Holy and Protection Paladins, it remains to be seen how the other two Hero Talent trees will pan out for Retribution Paladins in particular. Players who have the chance to enter the alpha or beta tests for The War Within are encouraged to give feedback and help shape how the Paladin could turn out in The Worldsoul Saga.


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Show Off The Brightest Mounts, Weapons, And Armor

It is no secret that the Alliance has held Paladins in high regard ever since the first Order of the Silver Hand came into being during the Second War against the Horde. With many of World of Warcraft’s top paladins having ties to the Alliance, it was not until The Burning Crusade and subsequent expansions that the Horde began to explore the ways of the Light for their own sake. At the time of writing, 다섯 얼라이언스 종족과 삼 개 호드 종족 can take up the mantle of the Paladin, and each has its unique flavor of how the Paladin appears to them.

Some of the common overlapping themes include the color gold and a variety of weapons that are considered either sacred to some cultures or were forged by beings with ties to the Titans. Some of these relics include the shield called Truthguard and the fabled sword known as the Ashbringer. This varied taste in weapons and armor also extends to their WoW mounts, as each Paladin race has a unique ground-based mount that they can summon. Humans and Blood Elves can summon their armored horses, whereas the Tauren and Draenei can summon their Light-based Kodos and Elekks to trample their foes.

In short, World of Warcraft players who want to fully get in the mood of playing as a Paladin should have the fashion sense to match. With over 20 years of tier sets and weapon appearances to choose from, the combinations that WoW players can make are as varied as the Paladin itself.

The New Earthen Race Could Give Paladins More Ways to Show Off

A new race will soon be able to put their faith in the Light and both factions. Starting with The War Within expansion, the Earthen will be the game’s first Allied Race that can join either the Alliance or the Horde. Though the Earthen can only be certain classes, one of them is the Paladin. Given the heritage that the various dwarven clans have with the Earthen, it stands to reason why one of the first Titan-made races of Azeroth would be able to wield the Light. Only time will tell 어스린이 다른 인종과 비교하여 팔라딘으로서 어떻게 해낼지.


Be Kind and Helpful to Other Players, Like A True Paladin

Due to how the Light responds to conviction and believing in a just cause, not all Paladins of Azeroth are considered “good” or “lawful” at all, with the Scarlet Crusade being the most overzealous of the lot. Though 일부 월드 오브 워크래프트 소설 explore the Scarlet Crusade and its zealotry further, this level of extremism should not extend to how Paladins conduct themselves in-game. Although some Paladins, such as the infamous Arthas Menethil, have long since fallen from grace, they traditionally practice kindness and patience with others.

By emulating the compassionate side of the class fantasy, Paladins can be useful mentors and guardians to newer players and be a shining example to follow, if not surpass. Though role-playing as a Paladin in World of Warcraft allows for some flexibility in terms of alGameTopicment, that should not stop players from making newcomers feel 월드 오브 워크래프트가 플레이할 가치가 있는 게임임을 느끼게 해야 합니다 even 20 years after its release.

Do The “Bubble Hearth” Trick At Least Once

While there’s a lot to 2024년 월드 오브 워크래프트에서 기대할 만한 것들이 많지만, sometimes the amount of things to do can seem overwhelming or tense. In times like that, Paladins can cut loose and have a little fun with their foes. By using their Hearthstone while under the effect of Divine Shield, which grants the caster invulnerability for a few seconds, Paladins can go back to their home point without suffering many consequences. This trick is known as the “Bubble Hearth” and can be used to get out of unwinnable battles while also frustrating enemy players.


이 수년 동안 전사의 Shattering Throw나 사제의 Mass Dispel과 같은 능력들은 PVP에서 Bubble Hearth를 실행하기 어렵게 만들었지만, 적절한 기회가 주어지면 여전히 가능합니다. 월드 오브 워크래프트 플레이어들이 Bubble Hearth를 용맹하지 않은 행동으로 비난할지라도 때로는 전술적인 후퇴가 생존하기 위해 반드시 취해야 하는 조치일 수 있습니다.


Q: 월드 오브 워크래프트에서 사용할 수 있는 성기사의 다양한 전문화는 무엇인가요?

A: 성기사는 성스러움, 보호, 응징 세 가지 전문화가 있습니다. 성스러움 전문화는 치유와 지원에 중점을 두며, 보호 전문화는 탱킹과 피해 완화에 특화되어 있으며, 응징 전문화는 적에게 피해를 입히는 데 뛰어납니다.

Q: 성기사는 판금 갑옷을 입을 수 있나요?

A: 네, 성기사는 전투 중 높은 수준의 보호를 제공하는 판금 갑옷을 입을 수 있습니다.

Q: 월드 오브 워크래프트에서 성기사를 위한 상징적인 무기는 무엇인가요?

A: 성기사를 위한 일부 상징적인 무기로는 Shadowmourne과 Ashbringer가 있습니다. 이러한 강력한 무기는 성기사의 피해량을 향상시키고 매우 갈망의 대상입니다.

Q: 성기사로 플레이할 수 있는 독특한 종족이 있나요?

A: 네, 인간, 블러드 엘프, 타우렌, 드레나이 등 여러 종족이 성기사로 플레이할 수 있습니다. 각 종족은 성기사 클래스에 독특한 맛과 미학을 제공합니다.


  1. 성기사 특성 트리 및 전문화
  2. 기술과 숙련이 필요한 무기
  3. 성기사 주문을 부여하는 룬과 조각
  4. 월드 오브 워크래프트의 동맹 종족
  5. 월드 오브 워크래프트 소설
  6. 버블 하스트 꼼수

이제 월드 오브 워크래프트의 성기사로서의 미명하지 않은 규칙을 알았으니, 지식을 테스트할 때입니다! 성기사 클래스의 다재다능함과 유틸리티를 받아들이고, 가장 빛나는 탈것, 무기, 갑옷을 자랑하고 항상 동료 플레이어에게 친절하고 도움이 될수 있도록하는 것을 기억하세요. 그리고 누구나 알 수도 있어요, “버블 하스트” 꼼수의 즐거움을 발견할 수도 있습니다! 이 기사를 친구들과 다른 월드 오브 워크래프트 플레이어들과 공유하여 아제로스 전역에 성기사 사랑을 퍼뜨리는 데 도움을 주세요! 💪✨🔥

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